
I got a Going Down POV notification for this?!

I don't ever want to feel like he did this day.

An article about a Jomny Sun tweet. This is good work, AV Club. Great work, in fact. Congratulations.

We've seen a much larger uptick in bigoted gamers and geeks viciously attacking people who dare challenge their infantile bullshit, so I'm more worried about that problem. It's a fucking cesspool.


I will be listening to these two. I saw Pitchfork gave them both above a 6, which when converted from Pitchfork score to actual real people score means they might be timeless classics.

I'll be honest and say I LOVED Turn on the Bright Lights and just never really paid attention to any of their subsequent albums, I have no idea why. What's the cutoff?

I can't think of another band/artist that went from being one of those sacred few bands you would cite as one of your favorites to dropping off of my radar completely. I haven't listened to a full record since the Green Album and Maladroit eroded all of my goodwill.

This is a conversation that should be left for parents to have with their children when the time is right IMO.

Were they able to substantiate that Sony wouldn't support her records if they were done wither another producer? I don't want to be on the side of anyone but the victim here, but I originally thought her contract was with Dr. Luke to some extent and that she either had to work with him or not record. It seems like she

Your man bites dog argument is not convincing.

Agreed. Why even have murder be illegal if people are just going to do it anyhow?!

We'll just stick with our current form of health care rationing based on whether or not you have the money.

"Turns out I was too much of a Nazi for Hitler!"

It really felt like the insane ramblings of a disturbed Youtuber, jumping from point to point, making insane leaps in logic with no awareness that the evidence was scattershot and not some trail of breadcrumbs anybody could follow. Mulder has always made some big leaps, but I always felt like I was along for the ride

The episode moved with such an unearned sense of urgency. I don't think I've ever said 'wait, what?' more times during an hour of television. The complete overturning of established mythology for incredibly complex neo-right wing conspiracies was bizarre. I was thinking the narrative was shifting purposefully to make

It's important that you go into any film or other work of art with a thinkpiece already in mind.

BoooOOOOooogedy…Just Kidding!

I have gotten a restraining order against anyone that has actually called my phone in the past year. They gotta be nuts.

He perfectly balanced platitudes about being loving, accepting, and not being filled with hate while spewing it on some poor fan of his who happened to think that rapping about carrots wasn't a great idea. I don't really blame Harmon, he's the alcoholic sociopath he's been telling us all that he is.