
It was a 'lively' 'discussion' about the value of British music vs. American music, so the back and forths went on, examples were laid out, and Elvis had some regrettable retorts about the examples those American musicians/brawlers cited.

Is the assumption that they couldn't possibly understand what they were agreeing to somehow less racist? Do they need Western civilization to make their decisions for them then? What a bizarre argument against racism.

The only reason the Pack was ahead was a bullshit PI call on Kam that extended a drive that got killed, so, it goes in every direction.

It's my money, and I want it now!

I also prefer my musicians be Men Without Hats.

Not to mention the love below.

Do you have a source for this? I desperately want to believe it, but my understanding is that he actually did edit the film down to appease the MPAA.

Me too. He can't be pleased with his film's performance.

Beer the Walking Dead, Brah.

As I get older, I'm finding it harder and harder to get unrealistic.

Oh make me barf.

And he was one punch away from a free selection from Pete Townshend's stash. Shame.

We have to be able to suspend disbelief enough to think the townspeople would actually stay.

I…..I just died in your arms tuh-noyt.


They stole the name of my improv troupe!

I hate when they put my favorite shows in my memory palace.

I can't bulimic.

This leaves me nonplussed.