
his replacement.

If they fired people for being horrible interviewers Matt Lauer would have been out years ago.

Well, thank goodness none of his child sex slaves killed him in self defense.

I swear to God, I’ve read SO MANY TIMES about how young people’s brains aren’t fully formed until they’re in their 20's, and that young women are easily co-opted as such, etc.

The rich in Malibu aren’t the only people taking advantage of federal flood insurance. There are plenty of places in the Midwest that we’ve paid to rebuild multiple times.

His “stupid name” is a family name. His grandfather was Armand Hammer, the man who is literally the reason we all buy something called Arm and Hammer baking soda.

if that were the case wouldn’t more women have come forward by now? That happened literally 20 years ago when he was in college.

He never said it was fabricated, just that the timing was intended to tank the movie (which it did.) The movie was huge at Sundance. There was plenty of time for someone to say “hey that guy’s a rapist” but it happened in the few weeks before the film was to be theatrically released. Nowhere does Hammer say that

U didn’t read what he said. He says that the timing of the rape info coming forward was meant to hurt his Oscar chances which it did the movie was DOA. He believes the Nate raped the women. What he said was fucked up, but let’s actually be upset for what he said.

I feel like I agree with the just of Armie Hammer’s point. He’s not saying he didn’t deserve what happened to him, but that the industry treats people differently (which we all know is true.) But the timing wasn’t just about the Oscars imo, it was literally right about the the time the movie was hitting mainstream

Did you read the article? Look he made a mess of stating his thoughts, but it was more about why did we sideline a Black man, when Casey Afflek had three women come forward about abuse, and he won a fucking academy award anyway.

I won’t make any excuses for him, but I also don’t think every offense requires resignation as the only possible punishment. Have the Senate censure him so that he has a public black mark for eternity, let him do acts of contrition, and then let the voters of Minnesota decide next election cycle if they want him or

As a non-fan (neutrally so), I used to just read stories about her with a mostly distanced, mildly amused, and sometimes baffled, perspective, but your observation drives home a point that’s now hard to ignore — that she seems utterly focused on brand and maintaining that, over any semblance of integrity.

Oh, surely she stands firm in her belief that “sadly” Perrineau is a lying liar, and that it’s a “shame” what she’s doing to the reputation of woman and teen-girlkind.

Leather, hair and silk comes from murdered animals bodies too. But you didn’t call that out.

She bought it, it’s therefore hers *goes to back to rocking my extensions,braids, twists, crochets and wigs. Because changing up your hair is fun and you shouldn’t be judged for it*

The victim is a WoC. Of course Dunham don’t give a shit. The only time she considers other races is when she’s pissed that Black men aren’t hitting on her.

Try to contain your astonishment at this next incredibly surprising fact: the victim they’re choosing not to believe is black.

Lol. The same type of shit was said about Weinstein, Spacey, Ratner, etc.

It sucks that Anna Paquin even has to justify why she didn’t talk about the incident sooner. Not only was it not her story to tell (especially given the fact that it involved Ellen Page’s sexuality and she only recently came out) but also IT SHOULD NOT BE A WOMAN’S JOB TO POLICE THE VILE BEHAVIOR OF MEN IN THEIR