
Yeah, here I feel like maybe the appropriate response is to leave a stout length of rope in his cell so that he can fulfill his commitment.

So horrific and disgusting. I know a woman who used FB to run her fashion blog and sell bags and stuff, and who has thousands of followers. Her FB page was taken down one day out of the blue, and they gave her no explanation, wouldn’t tell her what the complaint was, nothing. It was done absolutely immediately with no

I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.

Fucking bullshit facebook. Get your shit together.

She has blond hair unlike that brown hair having hoe.

Oh please the more likely story is that she was out for money to begin with and has been planning this from the start of their relationship, faked all these injuries, eyewitness accounts, and text messages to ensure a big payday.

THANK YOU. I love animals. I'm vegetarian. I foster cats and dogs. But the weirdo response to this that somehow shooting the gorilla was the wrong call? That somehow this is just as sad as if that little boy had died? Nope. Nope. Nope. People need to stop anthropomorphizing animals. It's sad that this gorilla was shot

So what? Even if that’s true, so what? Is failing to hold your son’s hand every second of every day punishable by his death via gorilla? Is that the standard by which we’re judging all parenting now? Uniformly? Or just Some People (wink wink nudge nudge)?

BUT LIKE, when I lock someone in a cage, make them live there until they are subdued, make it need me for food, water, care and then throw something strange and weird INTO their cage, if they try to investigate what that thing is? I WILL GET A GUN, AND SHOOT THE HUMAN IN THE FACE BECAUSE, IT TOUCHED THE THING!

How would they “subdue” it? The zoo has weighed in on tranquilizing and concluded that doing so would have made the gorilla angry and violent and that it would have taken too long to go into effect. The boy was being dragged by his leg. The boy had already suffered injuries. Why should the zoo have risked his life and

All Rainn Wilson said is that he’s pissed that shooting-killings of animals draw more press and sympathy than shooting-killings of people. So instead of writing faux-outrage ad hominems, understand that this zoo shooting death and human shooting deaths are both substantively but not equally tragic.

I wish they'd unplug me from this matrix.

Or a meteor. I’m not super-picky.

ALL of these questions have gone through my head. There is nothing in my mind that doesn’t deny the very likely and plausible reality that Johnny Depp loves a toxic relationship. But all of this feels so — hurried? I suppose that’s the right word. And who’s to say that she didn’t push him a little farther than usual

Well, shit, if those people tell you they don’t care they are women, well, it must be true. Anyone truly sexist would surely come right out and say so when confronted!

What she did makes total sense. She was feeling completely trapped, and needed to feel completely free. Telling people where you’re going so they can try to talk you out of it/ask you to explain why is not conducive to the feeling of freedom.

Not everyone handles pressure in the same ways. I dropped out of my ENTIRE LIFE just like this in 1994. My parents looked for me for two weeks and I was safe and sound... on the other side of the country.

I’m 47 and only finally coming to terms with the misery of trying to be Great. Three cheers for this young woman for starting the push back now

I was a fan so this is a let down, but I’m not so infatuated with him that I can’t accept that he did a shitty thing.