
Did she help write the script for Buttfleck vs Superprettyboy??

When I read “Speaking of feminism, Piers Morgan thinks Kim Kardashian is “killing” it” I thought he meant that she was really good at it. Wasn’t that how kids were using “killing it” now? In a good way? So confused!

I’m so glad we have Piers Morgan to tell us what feminism is really about. What would we do without him?

Woah Piers, men walk around topless all the time. Women should get to do the same. But not for the pervy reasons men think.

I guess Susan Sarandon lost her surrogate card. Why the Bernie Sanders campaign would send a rich former naderite, who supported John Edwards, to spread his message is beyond me? That being said, you really shouldn’t have your celebrity surrogates talking up or using #BernieorBust before a big stretch of closed

Was there just some woman working backstage who kept getting caught off guard by Ariana jumping on her? Or was it a hired live baby bjorn? How does one get that job?

Lane Bryant is so confusing to this fatty. 90% of the time when I visit the store, everything is frumpy and awful. Then, twice a year, they store is overrun with great shit, but just twice a year.

That Bella Thorne just seems so young and hip y’all!

So you’re outraged to find out that government employees sometimes go on conferences to keep them up to date with developments in their field and to network with their equivalents in other parts of the country to share information and experience? THAT’s what you’re getting upset about?

I went through that while planning my wedding. I was out of work and seriously depressed, and people couldn’t understand why I didn’t just go to the gym more, since I “had all that free time.” There were days of not being able to get out of bed and lots of self-loathing, on top of the other pressures of getting

From an outside perspective, I understand your point, but when you’re being abused by someone, you don’t always operate rationally. I worked for an an abusive boss who made me feel like I was so worthless he was my only option, and it took them firing me to finally escape.

10/10, would watch.

As someone who also experienced significant depression-related weight gain, Wentworth’s post meant a lot. On top of having to deal with despair, sadness, etc., packing on the pounds via one of the only means of “happiness” available to me (at the time), sucked big time. And then, people (friends, family members) felt

Ghost protocol has been deployed.

I could have gone my entire life without the mental image that accompanies the words “Say hello to Uncle Elton”.

aida006 has a terribly boring instagram.

I thought ghosting was when you insist on tandem pottery-making while some dreary oldie plays in the background

Tracy Morgan still needs to raise.... his wife?

THEY ARE SO TACKY! Who on earth wants a rhinestone-encrusted mesh corset with an aggressively shiny hoop skirt? You know that famous Dolly Parton (all hail Dolly, I love her so) quote, “it costs a lot of money to look this cheap”? Well ...