
Uh, did you actually watch Good Hair?

Didn’t they get their snuggle on though?

Been black my whole life too, and I’ve managed to avoid appointing myslef as a human paper bag test.

okay CEO of the Patone of Blackness we’ll be sure to update our files.

It’s irrelevant what term you would use. You can call it whatever you want for your own purposes. But, for the purposes of this discussion (in which we are specifically talking about Zoe Saldana portraying Nina Simone on the big screen) it should be obvious what we mean when we use the terms “light-skinned” and

I’ve been asking myself the same thing. I know you can’t expect people to be perfect, but damn-it if Chiwetel pulls some bs, I will slowly die inside.

Oh how I would have LOVED to see Danai Gurira play Nina! Damn her and her Walking Dead schedule which I’m sure consumes most of her time! (that being said, Michonne is my favorite and I hope to be her in my next life)

compared to who?

This is the homage Nina Simone would have expected.

Even within the black community, there’s discrimination against dark-skinned women; imagine what it’s like in lily-white Hollywood. It’s probably not even always conscious, especially in the case of white male casting agents and directors: They just cast those they’re personally attracted to, Women like Zoe Saldana

Exactly. Two women in comedy who aren’t funny and yet I had to stop at 15 when listing the men who rose to fame and fortune, despite being completely unfunny. I could spend hours listing men in comedy who are untalented. Nevermind that Chelsea Handler and Whitney Cummings are not household names the way Jay Leno, Tim

For a woman in comedy to be noticed she has to be exceptional. For a man? Dane Cook and Daniel Tosh would like a word with you.

Watch What Happened, Miss Simone?, because a documentary is almost always better than a biopic—and this documentary is sensational.

If you’re talking about race, this show is whiter than a snow storm.

I mean do you really think Sopranos is the only one to ever do an image like that of a group? Plus I’d say the overall feeling is completely different.

3/5th alive

Speaking of appropriation, my theater professor claimed that “Who’s On First” was stolen from Harlem comedians by Abbott and Costello. Trolling uptown has a long, sordid history.

I think usually that only happens when the other parent agrees... Like if one parent tells the other that they won’t demand child support in exchange for them relinquishing all claims to custody.