
I was happy this episode had so much Lyla in it. Always a treat when she pops up, finding her on The Flash was a good surprise.

I’m on the bandwagon of another Jay in the iron mask, but that’s a minor concern. Let’s talk about how awesome King Shark looked and how we got more of David Ramsey’s always entertaining Diggle-Reacts-To-Weird-Crap expressions.. :)

Casey Affleck has zero sense of humor, Also, you simply do not fight Stephen Colbert.

How is everyone tonight? I’m feeling super accomplished and adult-y. I’m starting my new job on Monday, so I spent all day prepping meals and they smell delicious and I want to eat them all.

Story time! Last week, after I posted in SNS, I got a call from a real-life friend asking, “are you mscoffee on Jezebel?” We knew we both posted occasionally, but hadn’t yet spotted each other. Now I’m obviously paranoid that I have left a string of doxxing breadcrumbs in my comment history... (But it was fun to find

Excuse me, racism is not a problem here in America so IDK what you’re talking about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am confused. Why would I force a person to play basketball with me if he/she was dressed like a basketball player? Does that happen? Forced basketballery?

But what are clones, if not human “remixes”, you know?


Cool, now bring back Happy Endings!

Well, my dad went from “coughing suspiciously” to “dead” in 2 and a half months. It was NOT pretty and what he went through with terminal lung cancer was as wrecking to us as his death itself. So I don’t know if going fast is a good way to go.

Damn. I want Prince’s photo on MY passport.

Now playing

If it’s your job to do a performance you agreed to do

Yeah I was coming here to say this - glad it was pointed out. It was clear that there was a lot of cutting corners and amateur hour shit going on with the production this year. I’d flip out too. I mean they fucked up Adele for Christs sake...

She didn’t get paid for performing there, it’s not like a concert where people are there because they bought tickets to see her. The production work at the Grammy’s was not great, and if she was having anxiety over it, there’s no need for her to push herself.

Well, after seeing (and hearing) how much the production messed up the performances at the Grammys, can you blame her for pulling out?

I also think the babies comment is one of those realizations you have when you realize that living your life is not all about you, you know? Like there are bigger things coming after the moment that you are in that are going to be so much more.

People will no doubt crap on Rousey for the babies comment, but I can absolutely sympathize with her on losing a fight in such a bad manner. Especially for someone who spent so much time on top, it must be hard coming down so hard (no pun intended.)

Did you ever see McKenzie in Southland, that cop show set in LA? That show was fabulous and he was great in it. First time I ever got what people saw in him.

His hashtag game is strong, like the rest of him. I’m not mad at this at all. Women are expected to post sexy photos all year round, about time men got in on THE GAME.