
I’m over crochetty old white people talking shit about Beyoncé and Cam Newton this morning. Dear fellow white people:

It’s definitely the right time. I’ve been so bored with this season I only watch it out of obligation.

Do you think Apple will babysit Blue Ivy in a few years?

Ann Coulter may be the human equivalent of a giant pile of horse shit but at least she can form a sentence. This Stacy Dash tweet is just pure word salad with a “dash” of #humblebrag about how skinny she is

im sure you can gauge her intelligence on all the interviews you have seen with her. which must be several, since u hate her so much.

A former girlfriend told the Wisconsin State Journal that O’Kroley had tried to commit suicide in 2014, and that he has been seriously mentally ill for the past decade.

No, I said if you don’t “get it,” not if you don’t “like” it. Two completely fucking different things. There’s lots of things that I don’t get but I like; there’s lots of things I don’t like but I get.

Quick PSA: If you don’t “get” this video, it’s because Beyonce didn’t make it for you. There’s nothing that says black culture needs to be distilled and broken down for the masses. Some things are just for us.

Like those tires would DARE!

I like it.

The song is meh if you’re looking to something to belt in the car or dance along to.

Want this outfit. Will pay in cats.

It would be incredibly helpful, though. Black men like Will Smith, Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry, Denzel Washington, and Kevin Hart have far more power in Hollywood than do the majority of Black women actors, directors, and producers. If Black men would advocate for casting and hiring Black women it would really help their

No they don’t. But he’s totally within his rights to speak on this. And what he’s saying is 100% true. He’s being supportive and coming from a place of marginalization himself as a black person in our society. The idea that he should just keep quiet on this strikes me as really counter-productive. A black actor can

Maybe not, but I'm glad he brought it up. Made me stop and think.

They already have and Emma Stone is first in line to play Rukundo. If she’s not available though, I think Rooney Mara is down.

The hit men were so competent though! They extorted extra cash for killing a woman they didn’t even kill. So, one less murder to deal with, and they got paid extra for it. I mean I don’t want to think they’re nice guys but if I was going to be a hitperson (let's be PC here) for hire I would totally want to get paid

This is the best ‘knock, knock motherfucker’ ever.