
I was just saying this, she's obviously looking for her nanny, why bring that child to another show when she's already shown she's not about that life?

does that make Cisco the MM? He came up with that plot pretty fast.

uhh, kate Mara has a very wealthy family, I doubt she needs a backup plan. Now on to bmw, didn't shawns dad die? And Angela does not look the same, how is that going to work?

what did Mae have to say?? She's consistently great on this show.

it's crazy how uncomfortable they seem with each other. Meanwhile j.lo is making out with hot 25 year olds leading to rumors that they dare in real life. Chemistry is everything with movies like this

might as well make it group because I just...can't

when will the sales begin?


not only that, but in spite of the allegations from farrow's daughter, he just had a new show gree lit on Amazon.

every day, usually before bed, twice a day when I work out in the morning.

I don't know, I feel like the buzz for Selma has been really good. Ava has been on several talk shows in the past few weeks, ads have been playing for months and brad Pitt made a song for david oyelewo's name

seriously though, I have a large extended family and don't even know half of them, unknowingly dating a cousin is like my worst nightmare...I don't think I'd handle it quite like this guy, that's bold and tmi

I believe it is her, the article said the woman in question was 24 at the time it was written which lines up with Gilda's age :(

That's crazy! It sounds like she got the help that she needed from Stuart house.

that's crazy! And good to know.

I need some stories, I haven't watched antm religiously in a while bc it got so ridiculous, but I would love a story or two

thank you for this.

Ugh, Stephanie Mosley was on hit the floor, a scripted series not a reality show.

yeah, oprah and Ellen aren't the same as igloo and banks

You can tell he loves playing so much and I couldn't be the person taxed with catching that guitar at the end of a performance, I'd be too transfixed by the sound.