
yeah, this is a thing that should happen. you know, they have a suggestion section on their webpage.

Thank you for joining us Mr. Stine, can I say that 12 yo me is freaking out right now. 31-year old me is freaking out too, but knows how to control herself :). I guess my question you have an ending to a story that you would like to change if you had the opportunity?

yeah, i think he doesn't want to kill anyone in his city, but outside those borders it's a free for all.

i know! and the fact that he referenced "this is the paper in my father's notebook" it really took you three weeks to figure that out? also oliver taking on the league doesn't seem like the brightest move, they far outnumber him.

it sucks so hard that they decided to make laurel the canary, even though it is clear that the fans aren't really that much of a fan...sara was a much better canary and didn't make me fall asleep every time she hit the screen.

whoever the killer is, i hope they don't drag it out too long.

i thought it might be thea with all of her training...but the voice was a male voice even though it sounded like there was a voice device to disguise it (i rewatched the premiere last night)

seriously though, why was he in the spa with hundreds of people...isn't it supposed to be his secret thing or something?

don't sex offenders automatically have to register? It would suck if there isn't some type of mandatory time thing involved.

yeah, i looked her up and she's a WOMAN, definitely doesn't seem like she could tolerate brand for that long.

apparently there are four hospitals equipped to deal with ebola...texas health is definitely not on the list.

i know between brandy, monica, tlc, queen, mc lyte, yoyo, charlie baltimore, whitney, mariah...the list goes on and on, there were plenty of black female entertainers that you could look up to during that time, it's definitely something i took for granted as a child.

no, but he brought the hotel that she worked at so he's her boss too. they made sure to have everyone connected. that being said, i enjoyed the pilot, i did give the show a side-eye at first just based on the premise but Gina does a great job of adding a depth to precedings that i appreciated.

you would think, katy perry did a whole concert at a school that she didn't even attend! but i guess b/c it was filmed for gma it was a different thing? also, i know waaay more about katy perry than i should.

I know for SAG after you work or earn a certain amount you are legible for health insurance, I assume it works the same for musicians? They have a union, right? Also, I assume they get a lot of things free in swag bags, that's how jessica Simpson got LASIK according to her show.

I was coming here to say that! Just read it on blind gossip, which I have sadly become addicted to as of late.

but it would be better if they would name the students who did this. I'm sure they know the students who made the video

noooooooooo!! Lindy you're the best! Wishing you nothing but success and happiness in the future.

also, he did this like two weeks ago.

when my brother was about 3 or 4 he would always cry when he had to put on his church mom finally checked the show to find a nail sticking out at the bottom :( so i always do a visual check before trying on shoes.