
I eat several times the RDA of saturated fat, I eat bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.

Saturated fat is not bad for you.


HDMI is a digital connection. It either works, or it doesn't. If you're running long lengths of HDMI, yes, you may need a higher quality cable, but when you're under 10 feet, $1 cables are perfectly fine.

I'm not sure you can use 'thrifty' and 'mac' in the same sentence.

Cast iron. At least get a skillet or fry pan. You cannot cook bacon properly without cast iron. Go to a thrift store and see if they have any cast iron, that way it's already been seasoned. They will last forever.

400mg is the limit??? I drink that in one sitting!

Ibuprofen + nap

Haven't people ever heard of fenders and rain gear?

Yep, you can do a test: eat 1000 calories of pancakes, syrup, and orange juice for breakfast. The next day, eat 1000 calories of eggs, bacon and water for breakfast. If you think the two meals have the same satiation, you're sorely mistaken.

A calorie is not a calorie. The body is nothing like calorimeter. There are very different hormonal metabolic reactions to foods.

I'm sure there are, and they're probably a small minority.

COD players generally don't know how to write code.

And for Linux users, we have Redshift (the package is usually called redshift-gtk)

You really have to eat every 2 to 3 hours? I eat a 6 egg omelette every day for breakfast, and I am set for at least 8 hours, if not all the way to dinner.

Protip: Eat no carbs for breakfast and you won't be hungry again until dinner. Being hungry all day sucks, and worrying about lunch also sucks.

Okay, it's not luser friendly.

There's no such thing, apt is a package manager. Android doesn't have a package manager.

Is that like that hippy dippy 'earthing' stuff?

I think your feet do have to strengthen themselves, and then it feels great. I would occasionally get foot cramps when I first switched to running in minimal shoes, and I never had flat feet or any major foot problems.