
Why you would need a discrete GPU in an audio workstation is the question I'm asking.

It's not so much about the toes as it is about the forefoot strike.

I've always found minimal cushioning shoes much more comfortable over the long term. When you put on cushy shoes, they feel nice for a little while, but your feet become sore and get pressure points, since the foot is designed to have nothing, or at least very little.

Intellectual property does not exist. An idea is not a physical object, you cannot steal it.

Or you could use a pocket. Just saying.

They're both sugar. Arsenic is naturally occurring, and it is not healthy.

No, you actually don't need any carbohydrate at all. All of your sugar needs can be filled via gluconeogenesis, and everything else can be run with fat.

Cycling has always been like that, the 1930 TDF rule book reminded riders than drugs would not officially be distributed by the organisers.

Fruit juice is basically coke. You can just take vitamin C, and skip the excessive sugar.

I feel like BBT's jokes are simply that the characters are nerds, not that the humor could stand on its own without the things the characters talk about being exotic.

You have to admit, the IT Crowd is at least twenty times less contrived that The Big Bang Theory.


When someone asks what the word for killing yourself is.

Semi-starvation diet studies, such as the ones performed on conscientious objectors, have never demonstrated any significant amount of success.

Why wouldn't you just plug the ethernet into your laptop in the first place? If you need wifi you can setup and ad-hoc bridge with the wireless card in your laptop.

You don't understand. A calorie eaten has three options - be expended, be stored, or be wasted. If we can get the body to waste the fat stores, we don't have to eat less or exercise more, and therefore no magic is occurring.

No. Calories in the body can do three, not two things. 1. Be expended. 2. Be stored. 3. Be wasted. Also, the body is not an indiscriminate calorimeter. To imply this is to completely ignore the effect on leptin, insulin, blood sugar, and gut flora, among other variables.

Roll top backpacks are where it's at anyways

Because you can claim your regular headphones are high quality, and charge several hundred dollars for them.

Because you can claim your regular headphones are high quality, and charge several hundred dollars for them.