
This seems like a waste of time. You can buy a kryptonite cable like this for less than $10.

BTW, Puppy Linux is hideous. Trust me, it's completely butt ugly.

It takes a good long while for anyone to adapt. I went from being able to run 4-5 km a day, no problems, to barely being able to do 1 km before I called it quits and walked home.

They should probably examine their evidence, then. Epidemiology is justification for saying they are unhealthy, and epidemiology is wildly inaccurate.

It should have included this:

Grass fed meats are a fine source of Omega 3s. The anti-meat, anti-fat dogma that has been espoused by government ministries since the 1970s is being slowly shown to be wholly unfounded in fact. It is this health advice which made everyone fat and sick.

The world has to cope because they can't handle our freedom!

It doesn't have a chain rivet pusher :(

A desktop OS with multitasking? Now there's innovation!

I thought feminism was all about treating women as equal to men...

I disagree. In her role for SendGrid, she was in effect, a public face of the company.

What if you brush with something basic to counteract the acid, such as baking soda?

I can quit any time I want!

The people who would go through the trouble of building their own desk from scratch are sufficiently mechanically inclined to understand basic joinery techniques.

I just made duct tape carry handles for my three small trash bins. I live on the fourth floor of a dorm building, and have to carry them all the way down, and outside to throw garbage away.

If you have to prevent Windows update from forcing a reboot, you can type 'net stop "windows update"'

That's about $79 too much.

If I could upvote you, I would. It's also poignant to point out the NHANES macronutrient data alongside obesity rates over time. People have been eating less fat, and it doesn't work.

It's not that all fat is bad or good, it seems that the processed vegetable oils are. These are trans fats, canola oil, soybean oil, etc. These are the sources of hydrogenated and Omega 6 fatty acids.

They've been saying that for about four decades. In the intervening years, people have lowered their fat intake. We've also gotten fatter, sicker, and have more chronic disease than ever.