
It's all great until you drop your beloved helment

So now you're going to have to take out the balls and clean the rollers?

Many of the official nutrition guidelines are made of whole cloth. Limiting salt, saturated fat, and cholesterol has little benefit, and may induce harm, especially when sat. fatty acids are replaced with chemically processed vegetable oils.

The only other logical choice would be a BSD-based OS, but I think that is unlikely since linux is much more dominant in the desktop space. On the other hand, it has a much more liberal software license.

Boo hoo. I wonder if he had enough $100 bills in his wallet at the time to dry his tears.

It's almost confirmed at this point that it will be on linux.

Really? No love for Ardour?? Come on, guys.

Hey guys, you know you can just put one earbud in, right?

21:9 is for anamorphic film aspect ratio. This would make a good film viewing device.

You are inferring that the use of government violence to protect the rich and powerful is moral.

By 'nutritional value' do you mean 'complete lack of'?

Yum! Fresh diabetes & obesity!

Well yes, there is an important difference between sport nutrition, and that for weight loss. If you're doing sustained high intensity exercise, you will eat a starchy meal several hours before, and use gels or water with some sort of sugar in it.

I can't give up the thinness of my iPhone with a case. It seems like blasphemy.

It would be difficult to eat an excess 2000 calories on a ketogenic diet. The body is more attune to its needs, one is not stuck in the blood sugar/insulin roller coaster. This is why I think counting calories is pointless, since if you're not eating flour and sugar, your body will be tuned correctly.

The energy balance idea is a false dichotomy. It assumes that there are two options: expending or storing energy.

Androids are typically made from plastic, which tends to flex and bend more. Apple phones are 100% metal and glass, so the casing does not absorb shock.

The anti-fat scare of the past 40 years coincided with the obesity epidemic. Despite a complete lack of any evidence showing that fat is bad, it is now accepted by most that the stuff is bad for you.

If it were that easy, why do so many people repeated fail to lose weight?

Moving more and eating less never worked for me. I tried weight watchers several times and never lost more than 10lbs, and promptly gained it back.