
I feel like this is just a yeast infection waiting to happen. Bring on the Kit-Kats!

I was JUST thinking that the Cosby Accusers had slowed down. Seriously, fuck this guy.

"Hammer and tongs!" BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Also, r-u-d-e. Is this a dude thing? Never heard any stories of female guests masturbating just feet from their hosts.

Reminds me of this sign on a base overseas:

Hmm in nursing school they taught us the "pee before and after," but that's a good point made by Yahoo health (first person in history to say that) about having a stronger stream. Also, what's piping? I was picturing smoking something, or maybe BJs, or maybe icing a cake, or piping like when you're sewing a pillow...

More about Donna and Vampy, please!

Jessica Drake is a real beauty, and sister is SERIOUS about her angles. If you google image her, her head is turned to the right in a majority of the pictures. Also, I hate that people don't want to acknowledge that they believe men and women are equal (uh, I mean feminist).

When reading aloud in English class in highschool I mistaken pronounced it, "Whores duh Vours," and everyone had a good laugh because they thought I was joking. Ha ha, yeah...joking.

I don't get it, sometimes I'm in the grays, sometimes I'm out. Is it per article? <3

And ANOTHER thing-couldn't they have just checked out the pad itself? Sort of like in the movies where a visitor brings a cake to prison and they stick a knife in it a bunch of times. Except in this place, they would need to check out your gut to make sure you actually like cake.

Once again I find myself wondering: Not ONE FREAKING PERSON in that place said out loud, "ya know, this probably isn't a good idea..."????? Maybe they should have pulled an opinion from a wider group, say, the inmates. Surely one of them would have been all, "fuck no, thank you kindly." DIDN'T ANYONE IN THAT BUILDING

What in the actual fuck. I'm trying to decide how much money she should get for this??

YES! I'll never forget the day that thing turned on by itself. THAT was the end of THAT

Cool shirt, Mark!!!

Fuck that guy. But what I actually came here to say is:

Honestly, I had to google him.

Dang, people can be mean. I ended up dating guys who made sappy romantic gestures because I didn't want to hurt their feelings. Then I grew up and worked on my kind rejections. "Sorry, I just need to be single now," and shit like that.

I was wondering who the hell that was giving him a rub down. Didn't recognize Jimmy with his hair wet.

I like the dress.

Yes!!! I once went down the Google rabbit hole and came across this guy. I spent a disturbingly lengthy amount of time looking for more pictures of him. My husband walks by and probably thinks, "Ah, she's looking at history, good for her..." if only he knew.