

That's right, there's not.

I know that this wasn't the intention, but the wording made it sound like she was baptized as a Sikh as a "solution." "It got to the point where she was afraid to leave her room, self-harming and having suicidal thoughts. Finally, at 16, she was baptized as a Sikh and stopped cutting her hair." Anybody else have this

Wow! The proof read snapped me right away from thinking, "English must be their second language."

I watched this movie at 19 and then MARRIED A GUY! That's how good it was. Subsequently divorced him, guess I should have watched the movie a couple more times.

As an Army wife, this topic frequently comes up at dinner parties. I once asked a former female service member if she had ever experienced any harassment, if it's as prolific as it seems. Her active-duty husband butts in (he loved the sound of his own voice), "Most of these women crying rape just have buyer's remorse

My family is from Cork, he is not. Husband is *high pitch* cuuuuuuut. Alas, he is far, far away in Afghanistan at the moment.

Yeah, I was expecting there to be a Glad bag instead of a canoe.

Not wearing anything underneath...any excuse to post a pic of THIS guy:

Can somebody get me a picture of JS' head superimposed on Tao's body, stat!!! That is some serious nostril flaring going on there. Reminds me of Julia Roberts

That pic of JS didn't do it for me. The Tao fellow on the other hand...

Oprah looks pretty good for "no" makeup, but it really looks like she has something on her lips...chapstick, or lipstick, one of the time. See the lip-liner looking lines?

When I was in college, I bought an enormous, pink silicon dildo with a suction cup on the end. It was a joke (really, it was too big to use). When I came home for the summer, my teenage brothers discovered it. From then on, I'd hear "AAAAH!!! NOOOOO," in the mornings, when one would wake another up by smacking him in

I came here to say this exact thing. Like, "this seems like the letter your therapist tells you to write and then burn." I don't blame her, but if Woody slipped and fell on a banana peel, I could see this showing up in an evidence bag...but yeah. Fuck this guy.

I keep getting friend requests from my husband's Aunt (she's an aunt by marriage). This woman...she's from Joe Dirt's neighborhood, without the charm. My husband accepted her friend request, but I did not. Now she whines about it on every photo I tag him in, "Not shur wat i did to Pink, but she wont xcept my friend

If she had a roll in your wedding, I would like to see the video. But seriously, screw her. Sounds toxic.

My father lives and works in Moscow, Russia. People always excitedly ask him, "Are you going to the Olympic games??!" He responds with a flat "no." When pressed for details, he will tell you, "Because something bad is going to happen there. I don't know what it is, but people are very angry." The Russian government

How many of you thought that KM would feature herself on the cover every month, a-la-Oprah?

I came here to figure out who was featured in those photos. Didn't think it was Miley.

I just came here to say that I enjoy TED talks. I mean, c'mon, obviously the haters haven't seen the one about the neuroanatomist who had a stroke.