
Jessica Chastain was breathtaking yesterday at Cannes, her dress was blowing in the wind and she looked straight out of a Botticelli!

Paris Hilton finds you irritating, you have officially hit rock bottom. Game over, Beibs.

I'd think that Michelle Duggar would be the obvious choice for spokeswoman.

I call bullshit on this new meme...

You think you get it, but it doesn't seem like you do. As evidenced by the fact that you're looking for election results on Jezebel.

Wait ... does that mean the notice I got from the Female Body Inspector was also a scam? DAMNIT.

Bachelor Number 3. In the Study. With the Rope.

Well, on the bright side for The Bachelor, ABC can now say, "See? At least we aren't fielding double murderers!"

Obligatory! ETA: totally irrelevant, but I love it.

Please just stop giving her publicity and let her go back to her little corner of irrelevancy.

Hanna Montana will be right back after these messages...

I don't know. As a woman in my 50's I think her emphatic insistence that she is still a sexual being can be viewed as kind of revolutionary.

There's more than a tinge of ageism in those accusations. She should act her age, I guess. I hope she never does.

John the Baptist cried out in the wilderness and people went out to listen to him. This guy cried out in the middle of the town square and everyone left. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a clear hint from God.

It's amazing that anyone would want to be photographed with Lavigne. Granted, I've never been to Brazil, but I assumed they had a 6 hour time difference. I didn't realize it was 2002 down there.

Is anyone into James Franco at this point? He just seems like the epitome of "every asshole you dated in grad school who always made a big point of how he was smarter than you even though you had higher grades.....and he finished fast and then didn't notice you hadn't come and talked about how awesome the sex

He is ABSOLUTELY trolling us.

He meant that since her body didn't properly shut down, then it wasn't legitimate rape. Because science.