Pink Everlasting

If all she said was “I, personally, don’t feel like I need an intimacy coordinator.” then I don’t think anyone would be calling it out. What’s being called out is her reasoning she shared, which does read as very dismissive and privileged.

Aniston did not disparage intimacy coordinators writ large, so much as she said she didn’t need it want one for her own intimate scene with Hamm given both of their respective career experience, and the trust she had in Hamm.”

They do use the term “man’s man” to praise someone who holds traditionally masculine and heteronormative interests and behaviors.

I’m with H. Jon in that I will never forget watching the pilot, being blown away and then telling everyone I knew that they HAD to watch this show. And even a not-so-great episode of Archer STILL is better than the best episodes of so many other shows.

There used to be a telenovela show that also taught the viewer Spanish, and Gilded Age feels like a version of that where they’re tricking us into learning history by teasing drama plot lines that never reach their potential.

if punchlines rely on a bit of surprise, a punchline that relies on exaggerated misogyny wouldn’t come after a setup of exaggerated misogyny. Rife clearly thought he and his friends discussing how this woman shouldn’t be seen in public would sound like “oh, we felt bad for her” and not “her appearance made US feel bad

It means “I’m an out of touch white person who has the most peripheral exposure to appropriated Black slang, which I use because I think it makes me sound hip.

The whole thing is grade school humor. What’s bad about that joke is more than it’s in poor taste — it’s not even funny. It’s a rip off of a million old jokes a million hack comedians have said before. AND what’s worse is that even the setup of the joke shows how he and his friends are terrible: they don’t think a

The 2014 episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with this woman made me never want to see another second of her and I’m sad that nearly 10 years later this scandal continues to make her relevant.

I think the thing with Elvis is, people aren’t trying to excuse it. They’re just trying to explain why it could happen so publicly and why Priscilla would go on to elevate Elvis’ legacy after his death. It’s not that it was okay or that things like this should happen or even that Priscilla “turned out fine.” Most of

The significant pressure on women to be feminine, small, petite, etc has made a lot of women feel that unless their partner physically outsizes them, then they won’t feel small, feminine, etc when with them, or that a partner closer in size to them will not seem masculine enough. I am 5'6", my husband is 5'7". I,

I get all that, I guess I am just really annoyed by avc making it seem like someone really horrible was on the show for the sake of click-bait.

It’s definitely an issue of an industry severely lacking boundaries where the professional norms bar is way too low. They say it’s because “hey, we need to be free to be creative” but it’s bullshit.

One of reality TV’s most infamous recent figures was welcomed onto the Fox series with open arms”

Oh for fuck’s sake, adultery isn’t a crime. Let’s save the “this guy shouldn’t be on TV” for the actual predators since we have a hard enough time even keeping them out of work.

You put out a big reward and say “no questions asked” to get your dogs back and hopefully lure the people who stole them to foolishly try to claim the reward. It’s offering the ransom before ransom is demanded. There’s no other spirit in the offer.

This whole family fake tans for a reason, and that reason is that they’re like Habsburg bad genes pale.

I listened to the episode and I appreciate that Shepard eventually says he realized that what he did to JVN was the same thing he used to do in terms of saying things like “I don’t get offended by Ice Cube saying white devils so why do Black people get offended by slurs?” and copping to how “just asking questions”

I do think Sedaris deserves to be challenged on how he portrays his family and such — but I think there’s a difference in written memoirs we know this is one person’s perspective on what happened and the many biases that go along with it, and what Minhaj has done where he creates these stories casting himself as the

And for a so-called intellectual, it’s telling that Wenner can’t be self-aware when pushed on why these artists are the best of the best to him. He can’t just say “I suppose, as a white guy, these are who I best relate to and I can identify with their work on a deeply personal level.” He has to make it that Marvin