Pink Floyd Mayweather

If it is held that vague wording in a CBA cannot be used to give immutable/uncontested powers to “management”, wouldn’t that be a union rights issue?

He still thanks you for the clickbait headline though. That pay-per-click life is rough, yo.

I’ve watched this on repeat for 2 minutes straight, and it never stops being funny. If anything, it gets funnier every time.

It really, really, really is.

I normally hate kids, and it seems this young girl shares my feelings.

Totally concur. There are a lot of touchpoints (pun intended) for how styles and gameplay evolve, and trying to boil it down to one handy variable (ie, eliminating hand checking) is a disservice. Maybe as teams get more creative about shutting down passing lanes and high efficiency corner 3s, the post game makes a

That’s the good stuff

God forbid they have to be athletic!

I’m no statistician, but simply eyeing the chart bears out that pace is still below 1980s to early 90s levels; roughly equal until about 95-96, at which point it drops and then drops dramatically to the nadir in 98-99 (should also note this was around the period when people started to think the league was in its worst

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Incompetence


Wow, I really thought you were kidding about that.

The runner in the Vandy-Florida game linked here did the same thing

Wow, the runner was already past the pitcher by the time he went into his leg kick. I haven’t seen a delivery that slow since the postal service was still a major shipping option.

Yeah seemed weird. Maybe trying to gauge where he should slide, lest the pitch make it to the plate in time for a tag? Or maybe he was thinking “How can he possibly have not thrown it by now?”

Maybe stop posing in GQ and figure out how to turn potential into consistent success.

Yeah, I really like this as an overall look at relationships, friendly and friend-to-romance alike. I wasn’t particularly talking about the “friend zone” as defined here, but relationship “zones” in general; this is how we categorize the people in our lives and decide how much time/emotional energy to expend on them.

I could definitely use that, since Pay Day is not for another week

I know what you’re getting at. As far as those definitions, though, they don’t necessarily define “friend zone” as pejorative, which is the way I feel typical usage has mutated it. You put it well, and I’ll just echo that such usage has been mutually co-opted by a) people who do use the term as a whiny way to mourn

Housemade ketchup is restaurant code for “Yeah, I definitely spit in this, idiot.”