
Shit in the sink. It’s the right thing to do.

Clearly, we did not attend the same high school. The one where I was beat up on the regular, spit on while people cheered, had “faggot” chanted at me by a hundred kids when I entered the auditorium for a lecture class, endured taunts of “name your gender,” and spent hours under overturned garbage cans, while people

I wholeheartedly agree. I have said this before too, my son is 11th grade this year and all his friends (and he) are awesome. My daughter graduated 5 years ago and that bunch of kids was pretty awful. I’ve been a teacher for 20 years, seen a lot of great kids, seen a lot of not so great but the bunch that is

Yeah. They are the littluns who are gay. They’re in a gloriously nascent period of not having to be closeted or out, just...them, proudly. It’s fucking awesome.

I teach high school and I can vouch for one thing: this new batch of kids are fucking awesome about a lot of things. They can be crappy towards each other sometimes, oblivious and callous at other times, but all in all, I would have had a MUCH better high school experience with this generation of kids than the ones I

one of six “sheroes”

I’m happy for you that your life is free and without commitments to not require something like a smartwatch. I’m looking forward to the time it saves me daily in my hectic and busy life.

Me and about 2.5 million other people. I’m looking forward to the waning need to pull my phone out of my pocket or run to my office desk or upstairs when I hear notifications fire off.

I can’t really remember the first time this happened to me (I was a late bloomer) but the I was 16 summer I got my braces off and dyed my hair blonde, and suddenly there were male eyes on me from every direction. Did I mention that I had recently grown d cups? That factored into it. I had always been the weird kid, a

Amateurs! Use your Sous Vide (which you have, right? You should have an immersion sous vide machine, full stop. If you can afford ounces of weed at a time you can afford a sous vide). Put the butter (solid) and shake/kindness into the bag, vac-pack it, and put it in your water bath at a 95C setting. Go do literally

“Looks like I’m going to a fucking barbecue,” is the best line ever. I don’t think she said it in the books, but it was a great tv-show writing decision!!!!!! Oh, Geillis Duncan. I love you and your Jacobite fanatic husband-poisoning writhe-dancing witchy time traveling in the moonlight ways.

The book goes into a bit more detail... basically, she was a Scottish patriot, and kind of obsessed. It wasn’t that life in Scotland in the 60s was terrible or anything, she just wanted her country to be independent, and thought with her knowledge of the future + understanding of how to time travel she could influence

I find myself wondering about Geillis’ motivation for traveling to the past in order to change the future. What was Scotland like in the 60’s? Was it horrible? Would a successful Jacobite uprising secure a better future? Could there be other, more effective historical events that might have a better, lasting impact on

This is one time the voiceover works as some might not get what the scar meant but Claire letting us know a smallpox vaccination which proves Gellis’ tale. Great work there, book readers knew of course but still a nice twist to things and fascinating to know Claire had a kindred spirit with her all this time.

Oh please. Find some honest work and quit doing mercenary shit for money. You'd be more honorable selling your own body.

Agree with Tom + Lorenzo but LOL at “costumers.” I had to fight with my phone to even get it to allow that spelling.

Why are you eating paleo? Unless you have a medical condition that requires a restricted diet you probably shouldn’t bother. (I’m a recovering paleo type myself.)

Today I learned that being a feminist was unethical...