
“You’re sexy pregnant.”
“Let’s DO THIS!”

Number 1's great. Friend wanted a new computer. I wanted to help him build it (At that i only had experience of replacing a PSU).

Jesus fucking Christ. They realllly hope women go back to coat hangers, don’t they? Banning legal abortions won’t stop abortions - it will kill MORE women.

Yes because adoption rates are through the roof and republicon legislatures are totally expanding post-natal care and support for women who want to keep the child but can’t due to economic reasons.

You just fucked that unborn kid’s future with your vote.

Women’s bodies vs bodies of the infants is what the argument is.

Only about how he’s bad when it comes to science/tech issues, like medicine. It turns out elections are a big deal.

Jealousy is ugly

Wherever my earthly remains wind up, I hereby give eternal permission for any and all orgies to be held close by.

That must ruin it for you, knowing that there will be an orgy... smh

Obama interacting with I really love him for a lot of reasons but seeing a guy with all that power who has such genuine interactions with children is just....dammit I’m gonna miss him!

What? Are you insane?

This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read on this website, so congrats on that I guess.

... What? You are joking, right? People need their own friends and space, and sometimes those friends are of the opposite gender/the gender they happen to be interested in.

.... you can’t be serious.


Really? What about my husband who travels as much as he is home and frequently has dinners or drinks with single women co-workers?

You are 100% correct on the long distance thing teaching you a lot. We spent 2 and a half years living in different countries. We had been together for a good number of years when that happened but it change the entire dynamic of our relationship. Things happened and I brought someone around who interjected himself

This is the sweetest thing. Just saying.

Sometimes I let him out in courtyard of my building, but not after dark. After dark he gets brave and I’m afraid someone’s going to take him home or he’s going to get hit by a car.