
Aha, no. She promoted her racist husband’s birther nonsense, and she shrugged off the “grab ‘em by the pussy” talk off as “boy talk.” She’s a damn escort filling the First Lady’s role while running interference to help her husband dismantle our system of governance.

... and if she really is redefining the role, then she should stop wearing that stupid FLOTUS cap

Rich widow, poor widow, black widow... We’ll take whatever form we can get!

I think part of the problem is that people constantly misuse the more well-known term PTSD when what they really mean is PTS - Post Traumatic Stress - or more accurately classified: Acute Stress Reaction (ASR, which can develop into PTSD if left untreated).

I’d like Mueller to go to Jared.

This is incredible! I wish we had one of these for every week.... The Rethugs & Drumpf keep throwing so many distractions that I can’t fucking keep it all straight.

Maybe it would have occurred to me if this post was about Kanye.

Normally you have good opinions, but this is not one of them.

I will never understand this dude’s popularity with women. The man basically kept a creepy babe-zoo in his house and only supported ‘women’s empowerment’ as long as it fit his idea of women being naked and not being ~prudes~ about it. If literally any other man did this, would we applaud him for being an ‘icon’?

So is this sign from Houston, some city in Florida, or Puerto Rico?

Well, really he first debased it by being black in office.

What a bunch of garbage people in the comments. HER. BODY. HER. CHOICE. Also, she’s an adult, and rich. But really, if you think about it, the Kardashian babies have been relatively not exploited.

Nice window coverings are expensive, more importantly they often aren’t bundled into the mortgage.

Yup. She has an obligation to turn the baby into an adult. The husband, not so much!

Athleta and Old Navy, the lower-end brands attached to Gap’s parent company

Holy shitballs, I low-key like this song.

I really hope she beefs with Beyoncé at some point so Twitter is nothing but venomous bees and snakes. Like Australia.

Meghan is better looking than Harry. She also brings more to the relationship.

I’ve lived with pretty severe bipolar disorder I since I was 14 (diagnosed only at age 28, but the symptoms set in far, far earlier than that). I know the pain of being so depressed you can’t get out of bed for days at a time, so much that even the thought of showering is too exhausting to accomplish. I know how it