
screw that, I want Bernie! Bernie 2016!

I don’t care who’s President, as long as it’s not a Republican (especially Trump).

“Jagger, Bronx, Maxwell and Ace.”

I have the boob cookie jar!

clickbait-y headline aside, there are some good points about the effects of how our culture defines success and happiness


Your idea of the place of marriage in the imaginary perfect life course is odd and curious.

That'll come in handy when they're taking daily bc pills.

And always so ABLE to reproduce. Why can’t we target infertility? I want that as my superpower. Fuck flying and mind-reading and shooting lasers out of my eyes.

“once or twice a week...they teach her fun stuff like stretches and other basic aerobics, nothing strenuous.” Kind of like my 2-year-old does at daycare.

That’s stuff a kid would like to do anyway, not a difficult workout. And it sounds like the trainer is Kim’s, and is just allowing North to get involved in the workout. Misleading headline in misleading. This is actually a cute story.

Meanwhile, on Fox News, “How dare Obama spend time with his children when America is burning! Next up: the problem of black absentee fathers...”

I can tell you what’s more precious than an unborn child. Educating, feeding, clothing, and sheltering low income children, and watching them break the cycle of poverty.

Any woman who has ever used a manual pump will tell you that this level of full is damn near impossible

I was looking for the Orphan Black gif party!

Now that the Amy Schumer-backlash is OFFICIALLY in full swing, I’m excited to see how long it takes for the Jez opinion pendulum to swing to backlash-backlash.