
Dunno about around the back, but I can touch my belly button from the front. Boop. #notaclone #probablyamammal

I’m beg to differ.

Counterpoint: A bride wore white to a Taylore Swift concert? Taaaacky!

Totes reading that book. Team Bridget all the way but I too liked Kendra....until her reality shitshow.

I always liked Bridget the best, so I’m glad to know she’s still being nice and doing her thing. I also watched too much of that show.

Poor hygiene, dumb, no personality.

All the married people I know have separate tooth brushes. I’ve been married 10 years and don’t share. That’s gross.

And the plot thinnens.

What is it with some American people and kids? Kids are part of the community. Parents are part of the community. But people get so pissed when parents for one reason or another with or without privilege end up bringing kids to a “designated non-kid” space (of which there are many more here than in any other country I

I know a girl who constantly complains about being single and blames it on being heavier than the average woman or on guys being superficial and only liking thin, blonde girls. I’m not saying there aren’t guys out there that only go for those type of women but I do think that if you own your body and are comfortable

Have a berry. You can cut it up for your cereal.

The only way you would ever have to pay for it is if a flight attendant said your bag was bigger than carry-on regulation size. They have some term for it, it’s like Out of Compliance—I can’t remember exactly. But that very, very rarely happens. If you have an even remotely normal carry on they will at least

I have had to check my carry on a few times because of limited space, and I’ve never had to pay for it.

that is the most amazing flex on the kardashians

What you doing in here, Kris? Don’t you have some momaging to do?

Better idea:

No wait...I got it!

Meh, you have a valid point that the event will yield positive press. And pot stirring ‘tis alright.

This is someone looking for a photo op
