I’m only concerned if you read the post which, YOU DID!
I’m only concerned if you read the post which, YOU DID!
I don’t really understand all the excessive hate for Buzzfeed on here lately. It’s not like they offered $10k to buy untouched Vogue photos of Lena Dunham or as if they took cheap shots at Amy Pascal’s private online purchases. Don’t worry, Jez, no one is muscling in on you.
Ha. Like he would ever change a diaper! That’s women’s work.
My first thought when I saw Stephen Tyler was ‘wow, Johnny Depp has lost a lot of weight.’
My guess would be that she was in denial about the death of her child and went so deep into shock that she got stuck performing that monotonous motion for hours. (In the vein of “He can’t be dead. See? We’re at the playground. Playing like we always do. Everything’s fine.”)
They think we can still see the turnip truck we dropped off of. This bullshit is insulting.
“This wasn’t a contrived situation: Zion needed a feed, Nicole gave it to him, and when we saw how beautiful they looked we simply moved her onto the set,”
Oh my gosh, I realize this is totally the wrong thing to focus on in all this but “boneyard in a closet” is now my new favorite phrase.
Michelle Duggar said transgender people will assault girls in public restrooms. Meanwhile her own son assaulted her girls. The pair of balls that woman has to make accusations like that knowing she had her own predator at home, and he wasn’t gay or transgender, but she’s projecting those crimes onto innocent people.
I stayed home for 11 years. It was great. I am back at work now, and get to have those chats with the other working moms. I don’t see my “stay-at-home-mom” friends ever. I don’t know if it’s a because they do almost all of their socializing M-F during the day, or if they cut me out. My friends who worked while I was…
It’s my opinion that, generally speaking, people are only judgmental and bitchy when they aren’t entirely comfortable with their own choice so they feel the need to denigrate the choices others are making. the “mommy wars” would go away quickly, I think, if we'd all give each other a break and give others the freedom…
Don’t worry, you can still go to Serendipity.
Fitz be DONE with Mellie and Cyrus. Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn.
Beverly flat-lined, not Deacon. She is dead, dead, dead. Dr. Prettyboy saved Deacon to live in guilt and idealize his martyr sister forevermore. That’s why the girls liked Beverly, and why she mentioned moving to Nashville to play happy extended families, so when she dies they’ll be sad and it won’t feel like she was…
And I can barely resist a piece of cake there’s no way I could resist those eyes & that smile. Ugggg....
It’s still pretty funny to imagine a person getting fired from Grey’s for hooking up with an intern.