
I think it’s more gross in the sense that this is a guy who says marriage is a holy institution between a man & a woman & that gay marriage sullies that institution. Apparently it’s ok to fuck around or sext young interns but 2 gay individuals who love each other getting married? That’s going too far. Marriage is

Either their reading comprehension is so-so, or it’s just some Fox Snooze herpa-derple-derpahurr.

I don't get it either. The post didn't say abort all children with special needs just why some women might abort.

Many genetic anomalies can be detected with testing at the 12 week mark, yes. However most insurance plans don’t cover them unless you fall into certain categories (familial risk). The abnormalities that are discovered at 18-20 weeks are largely physical “mistakes” caused by non-inherited genetics. The

Right. No one EVER breaks the rules. Since you never saw protestors do that, it never happens.

Sure, publish your anger with the bill on here, post this to your social accounts, but vote in the next election, too!

If they hired that many prostitutes and had an all-day orgy, it would be shocking, because it would mean both parties working together, reaching a decision, and making it happen.

Rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage rage

Small government, wooooo!

SPF30 is some melanin haver shit. Us true day walkers require SPF50+

...Look, can we stop with the cliche that anything other than a DIY wedding for as little money as possible is inherently terrible? If you are having a big wedding, a wedding planner can save money in the long run through contacts, and can save you a lot of stress. It doesn't automatically turn you into the

She speaks Italian, you know!

Look, everyone! The anti-vax movement has released its new logo!

ALSO he played Courteney Cox’s son on Cougartown!!

That was my only thought at first but then it would wrap around the elevator. I reaaaaaaaally don't see Olivia Pope spending major bank on an apartment with elevator sounds because a room wraps around it.

Aww yisss

“You are the ugliest Mark yet.”

This fucking show man. Underrated doesn’t even begin to describe it.
