
Zoos and aquariums also offer a safe place to introduce yourself/your family to the natural world in a fairly laid back environment that still includes access to educational content. And they do come with the benefit of having people who are specially trained in interacting with members of the public to answer

This made me laugh while pooping. I’m done now.

Are you sure Marc Jacobs ripped off Adidas? According to knowledgeable sources, MJ only steals ideas from Hungarian models.

Those are belugas, not baby orcas. Just saying.

Like from the Midwest and deep South?

Free Willy taught me that.

I guess if it’s specifically limited to those who claim conscientious objector status it’s alright, but I do take issue at a basic level with the idea that the solution to anti-vaxxers is removing resources from poor people.

This is true. It went a little darker than I had intended.

I guess she could've swallowed the embryo, too. Some people eat their placenta and all.

Exactly. The first thing I thought of was his mother. She should've swallowed him.

Not everyone is down for PDA, which is understandable, but in the case of NYC cab driver Mohammad Dahbi, his aversion to public makeouts came with a $10,000 price. Why? Because he’s a bigoted assholio who told a lesbian couple that they couldn’t kiss in his cab during their ride home. A court ordered Dahbi to pay the

I’ve had this for years. Finally!

If Hillary is the Democratic nominee, people better vote for her. I don’t care if you disagree with some of her policies. We all do. But don’t not vote, or vote for a third party candidate in protest. That would pretty much guarantee a Republican victory, a two-term presidency, and Republican-appointed Supreme Court

will this be on the docket for next week’s Shade Court?

This is all i need. More shit from other women because i had a C-section. I was in labor for 2 full days, on pitocen and had my water broken. I ended up with a 10lb 1oz boy with a giant head, that everyone in the room agreed would have had huge problems coming out of my Notorious V.A.G. 100 years ago i probably would

I hate articles like this. Not because it isn't valid information that people should have, but because it would have made me feel like shit when I was pregnant and for a year after having my daughter.

The constant threat of medical malpractice suits are one of the biggest reasons why OBs are so c-section happy in the first place.

I’m glad you stuck to your guns, I know there are unfortunately a lot of women that would have just backed down.

Those people can pucker the fuck up.