
Best Gif Award TM

Yeah, I am not making it easier for some lazy ass slacker serial killer to off me. In MY day, serial killers took some PRIDE IN THEIR WORK.

YUP. I see those stupid Verizon commercials that are like, "Control your locks, lights, and phones remotely!" And I'm all NOOOOPPPEEE! 'Cause THAT'S not a horror movie waiting to happen—somebody kills you from a remote location in Colorado by switching off the lights, locking the garage door, starting your car

You just ran him off. You paid more attention to your children than you did to him

Having sex with your husband on a plane makes you a whore!

My insurance company did this to me, actually. They sent me an ad in the mail to enroll in their healthy maternity program or something "based on my most recent medical claims". Unfortunately, the asssholes did not factor into account that my most recent medical claim was for a D&C procedure due to a missed

Especially since most non-hispanohablantes would be like, "Embarrassed? Of what?"

Wait. There are people who try to hide pregnancies on the Internet?

It's not even so much the whole "take care of me" thing it's just dealing with illness or whathaveyou with no one else there. My mom was diagnosed with colon cancer this year and it was literally me and my father, who is NOT good dealing with these things. It would have been nice to have someone else there with me

When I was a kid, I used to beg my parents for a sibling (because it's just like getting a dog, amiright?), but in retrospect, I'm really glad I'm an only child.

You two do what's best for your family, though it will be tough for a few years, because, I swear, THEY JUST DON'T LET UP. I do feel like I had the last laugh because my daughter is extremely well adjusted.

Really? I remembering once reading that only children are often the most psychologically/emotionally healthy adults. They wind up with a solid sense of self because they were never forced into competing for parental attention or affection.

This hair is still banging on all four cylinders #team100strokes

I knew his ass was grass after he conducted as sloppy live interview on The Tom Joiner Morning Show.

It's perfectly appropriate for a workplace to conduct an internal investigation and conclude someone is guilty of behavior that makes it so they can't work there anymore. Honestly I think it shows an integrity to Rhimes' operation that I'd love to see elsewhere.

Not even Olivia Pope would find a way to defend that. There's no defense for physically and emotionally abusing another human being.

No, that isn't "the reality."

Nonsense. For one thing, the point I am making is have the wedding you can afford. If your friends and family are offended by your choice not to spend money you don't have, they are assholes, and why would you want assholes at your wedding in the first place? For another thing, it is a simple matter of fact that

I don't buy that. It's simplistic and ignores all the broader cultural factors, and ignores that fact that even the bloodthirstiest "bridezilla" has some dude who's willing to marry her, and who lacks the spine to either advocate for the wedding he wants, or find someone else to marry. That weenie doesn't get to