I loved everything about that.
I loved everything about that.
I loathe One Million Moms. They need to stick to laundering their menstrual-scented Anne Taylor stretch pants and reading their clandestine copies of Fifty Shades of Grey while the smart people talk about smart people things.
ahaha i read that james franco story yesterday and immediately instagram directed him a ~tasteful~ (HA) picture of my tatas saying "22, and all yours baby" still no response -_-
You should work that phrase into every conversation with someone from the U.S.
Hows about we all just focus on supporting the women who make it in this industry, which is NOTORIOUSLY pretty awful to female designers of any kind, instead of deconstructing why or why not Beckham 'deserves' shade from Dolce & Gabbana :)
I love her. I think she's a true talent. BUT she strikes me as probably being BAT SHIT CRAY CRAY behind closed doors.
I'm canadian, so maybe i'm just dumb, but is cornhole when you fuck people in the ass?
15 year old boy model's kids' clothes. 15 year old girls model women's clothes. This encapsulates a lot of things that are more than a bit wrong with society.
Great, now I am gonna have people emailing me thinking I've been hacked. Whatever I choose to glass etch on my upcycled vanity is nobody's business but my own.
Mellie needs to tell him what his father did. I need him to suffer for it.
YES. For her, the shoot ends. She does her stint in Wisconsin, then flies back home and plans an all vegan Alice in Wonderland themed garden party. As a mom with a laboratory job, it never stops. I come home, manage a household, raise a baby, have to make time for my husband and myself. I never sleep enough. I eagerly…
Sorry that multi-millionaire Jennifer Aniston doesn't drunkenly cut her bangs with kitchen scissors like the rest of us and wash her face with bathroom soap at Quiznos.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. Show should have ended a season or two ago. How I Met Your Mother is one of the many shows that makes me wish we did things differently and networks signed on a show for a set amount of time. Like they'd say "How I Met Your Mother will run for five seasons and only five seasons"…
"Ugh, what is going on?"
I have never read or seen anything Harry Potter. No interest at all.
I sometimes struggle with basic math (especially when I'm drunk), so here's what I do to ensure I'm not accidentally being an asshole: Open up the 'ol smartphone, type "20 percent of (cost of meal)" into the browser bar. Phone spits back tip amount. Voila. No excuses (save for luddites).