
Don't get me wrong, I expected them to change some things but this is so totally different. I was surprised how upset I was by some of the little things, like the giver taking jonas's hands instead of touching his back (did hollywood think it would be too gaybones or something?) and injections? and why is he talking

I have no idea. Did they think people wouldn't sit through a black and white movie? On another website, someone wrote "Pleasantville or GTFO" and that pretty much sums it up. Black and white, add color as needed.

Ok, I laughed. But it was a laugh of sympathy. I'm just glad your milk didn't fall in. That stuff's hard to replace.

Nope. I am (usually) okay with movie adaptations. I get that things need to change in order to make a movie work, but this is too much. The movie should be black and white. Jonas should be 12. I am firmly in the NOT OKAY group on this one.

Fuck yeah I want people to notice and compliment me! I'm not giving up all those cupcakes for nothing.

OMG I feel you, girl...

I like you. Personally, I've been thrilled when people notice I've lost weight. (Personally, me. Not speaking for all women or implying that all women should feel like I do.) My weight has been a lifelong issue for me (bulimia was an uphill battle for a decade), though since I had my daughter 11 years ago I've

I retired the pump in the spring/early summer of 2012, but to this day, if milk goes bad in my fridge and I have to dump it, I apologize to the cow I've never met...

The responses you have been getting are ludicris. Lots of people losing weight enjoy having people notice and comment.

I disagree with this NEVER rule...unless you are referring only to strangers or very casual acquaintances. I mean, obviously, you personally are going to follow your own rule and good for you. But if I have a close friend who has shared information with me about their desire to lose weight and their efforts to do

It's totally the "Stride of Pride". Or it should be. :-)

Hope she doesn't get anything out of this. If you're dumb enough to let someone hit a golf ball off of your ass, you shouldn't be entitled to anything if they miss and accidentally hit you.

Lips don't get Botoxed people! Ugh. Learn your shit. Rumor instantly dismissed.

How have you still got old-style two-column Kinja? I hate this single-column crap (hit "All replies," scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, ad nauseam). You using an app?

Hey Kristin, I'm going to quote you and suggest that you

Not sure how wanting to keep children from being killed, crippled, or disfigured by completely-preventable diseases makes me a "germaphobe".

16% is just about every one out of every six kids. 3.5% is only about one out of every 30 kids. HELL YEAH that is a big enough difference for me to vaccinate my kids.

Are my eyes deceiving me, or are you seriously claiming that if 184 out of 10,000 vaccinated kids catch pertussis, but only 11 out of 94 unvaccinated kids catch it, 11 is less than 184 so vaccinations are useless?

"You know what, I've ready too many books about autism."

Such assholes. They have no fucking clue what they're doing.