
I’m glad you asked - and hopefully he catches up with the world to know that you don’t care how he budgets, but you do care that you are paid equally for similar work. Keep it up, don’t back down!!

bingo. that’s why i’ll tell anyone and everyone in my industry how much i make and how much i’ve made in the past! be empowered and informed people, and i’m here to help!

please please please let someone here know Joshua Winstead and out his punk ass to the world.

I tell people (probably too many people) that my daughter was an unplanned (now wonderful) surprise and that I was on the pill. Mostly because I don’t want my girlfriends being flippant with taking their pills on time (this was a few years ago, the IUD was not generally given to those who had not had children yet) as

which we sadly also learned three years ago after Sandy Hook, when it was proven that guns/NRA > children/their lives.

pink bra for girl, blue undies for boy. that’s my prediction.

Two months ago I would have said “hey, they’ll both be doing ALAP for the next four months.” which, at the time, scared me. But what I’ve learned is that his action is actually worse than nothing...sheesh.

It isn’t the same thing at all. It is shocking to me how few people know this.

This is a frequent facebook debate I find myself in. He will put us back 50+ years socially and economically...but at least we won’t be a heaping pile of nuclear waste...

ugh this. It feels like the election was at least six months ago. I’m so tired.

Oh how true this is. A friend said to me, verbatim, “I do NOT approve of Obamacare, and the Affordable Care Act is great, so I don’t know why we even have to have both.” #unfriend

I’m so confused by this tweet in particular. What is he even trying to say? Does he want the people to perform at the inauguration? I’m sure he could find plenty of tone deaf brother lovers to come up to DC and belt out a few lines of endless love while he dry humps melania against her will dances for the cameras...

If kissing your toddler on the mouth is offensive someone lock me up, because there is nothing better than when baby pink drink lays one on me!

clearly you are a full time punn-er because both your username and your fleet naming ideas are killin it tonight!

signed up to be a host and to drive!

Another commenter replied and shared with me I don’t see a place on their site to make donations, but maybe they will soon! Or you could contact them and offer! :)

Another commenter replied letting me know about a great organization, spread the word! Not exactly an air-bnb but it hopefully helps to get people access to the safe and LEGAL medical care that they need!