hell yes! thank you for sharing this with me! I just signed up to drive and host! Thank you!
hell yes! thank you for sharing this with me! I just signed up to drive and host! Thank you!
for cereal, can we start some sort of basically underground railroad for women in need??
as a resident of a close-ish state with a 24 week limitation (illinois), I’d be open to opening my home to any woman who chooses to have an abortion for any reason in Ohio (or in any state!) while they go through the procedure and recover enough to head back to their terrible state. It isn’t 40 weeks, but it’s better…
Trump’s version of “draining the swamp” looks suspiciously like putting establishment conservatives into positions of power, thus doing the exact opposite. He’s vile.
Ugh the problem with his rhetoric is that it’s pointed to the lowest common denominator of humans who read something and think “that is a fact.” There is no research done, no questioning. He flat out lies and his followers don’t even question it. It’s despicable and terrifying.
Oh I want to play. Chicago. $23,436 a year for 5 days a week daycare for my three year old. Great hours, amazing teachers, worth every penny, feel VERY fortunate to have a job that allows us to pay for the care she receives.
I was just thinking this last night...the worst thing about being a parent is how frequently I am gutted by the rabbit hold of “what if...” and it just sucks.
My theory (ugh I hate that I even have one) is that the hate is completely manufactured to drum up press and gossip.
The biggest question I have is: are you hiring?!? 😊
Because literally every woman I know who is married to a man and had at least one child will agree: NOTHING keeps a man from their daily shower. I often joke that if he had to choose, my husband would absolutely take a daily shower over daily sex.
Since I spent the super bowl last night watching frozen, again, with my two year old I missed the announcement. It wasn’t until it was on the E! ticker during a repeat of KUWTK that I saw it (hey, it’s treadmill entertainment) and I was like WHAT?! NO!
oh for sure, I’m sorry if my comment came across as implying anything along the lines of everyone who is born also has babies...quite the opposite actually. I try not to be or sound ignorant ;)
Two children families is not exactly majorly reproducing. It is more or less breaking even.
it’s their “berry” scent. and it’s delicious.
It’s pretty clear from the drastic measures that the birth mother took to try to induce abortion that her “choices” were extremely limited at best
She quite possibly made the decision earlier but due to outside forces (cost, restrictions, travel to and from, etc)she got to the point where she realized that she was never going to be able to have the safe (and legal) abortion she wanted.
Good luck!! EP is hard work mama, and you’re doing a great job! Even if formula made me a lazy parent (which it didn’t ‘cause formula ain’t free, so someone was working to buy it!) I wouldn’t care because know what? Fed is best. Keep it up!!
Couldn’t nurse (tried for 8 weeks and spent almost $1k on lactation consultants, so it wasn’t a lack of effort) and pumped for 8 months. The Brezza was a gift I bought myself when we switched to formula and I will never regret it. Fucking loved that thing.
What a creative grouping of the largest wedding publications/aggregatorsout there.
I want to play! Here is the requisite “ring shot” from my wedding...my nails look TERRIBLE currently...