
Couldn’t nurse (tried for 8 weeks and spent almost $1k on lactation consultants, so it wasn’t a lack of effort) and pumped for 8 months. The Brezza was a gift I bought myself when we switched to formula and I will never regret it. Fucking loved that thing.

What a creative grouping of the largest wedding publications/aggregatorsout there.

I want to play! Here is the requisite “ring shot” from my nails look TERRIBLE currently...

I know that not every experience is a blanket experience for everyone else. That being said, my experience being a part of a sorority was life changing. I went out, I had fun, I also had friends I trusted and made smart choices. NOT TO SAY that anyone ANYONE who is assaulted is at fault. It is ALWAYS the fault of the

wedding florists unite! same line of work here, same endless frustration with the “OMG YOU ARE A THIEF BECAUSE I SAID THE WORD ‘WEDDING’ AND NOT ‘BIRTHDAY PARTY’” Stay strong.

Came to say the same. Not the wasps I had in mind.

I’d also say to Trunk...I may not work for myself but when I make a shit ton of extra dough for my company I only see a little of it...the owners certainly reap those rewards. Someone is still benefitting from my work besides me.

That has always confused me when I’d read about tweens shopping at Century 21. I’m always come they can have a house and I can’t?

That’s cool and all, but mostly I’m just SO jealous that Ashlee’s sister-in-law is Tracee Ellis Ross. My SIL is arguably not Tracee Ellis Ross, and that is not fair.

me too. don’t even care.

My question: WHERE DO I APPLY!?

you two are really funny and cute. marriage please. the city hall kind or the church kind. whatever. but this witty banter needs to live on foreverrrrrr

OMG THANK YOU for this. It is what I’ve been trying to get out of my brain for quite some time now, but couldn’t start talking to someone without ultimately saying “and you’re a fucking idiot. goodbye.”

Is it possible they’re just moving? Is it realistic I’m holding out hope? I don’t know why I care...

I would absolutely 100% wear the shit out of that ring everyday and you’d have to pry it off of my cold dead hands.

Fair point. Though to talk dollars and cents there’d have to be a cost associated with not taking the opportunity to do the speech, since basically he made little or no money on this, but not at the expense of doing something else (that we know of) anyways, just something to consider, I hope I don't sound like a pot

You read it and I read it, and it made someone upthread think what he did was good. We are probably not part if an isolated incident. That may or may not have been his reasoning but to claim there is no gain for him is misguided.

Lately when people ask me how I’ve been instead of saying busy I give them a real answer. “Happy!” “Fulfilled!” It really confuses people!

I have to brag. This is the issue that my floral work is featured in AND where the company I work for is listed as one of the top in the country. MAYBE THIS can get me out of the greys!!a

Maybe he is gay or expressed feelings of being transgendered (did I say all that right? I do hope so) and that was how she drew that TERRIBLE conclusion.