
so much this. I have been a hater of the invasion of my uterine rights forever but now this just sets me over the edge. So by the GOP general logic I should NOT be able to make a decision about a non-living fetus but as soon as said fetus is born I get to make all the choices, public health be damned. What the ACTUAL

Ugh this is so sad. So much love and promise in these pictures.

Sorry to say but mama is wrong. In a sense. Gap started as a store in 1969 that sold genuine Levi's denim. at some point they began producing their own branded denim which was made by the Levi's company. Probably not the case anymore, I worked there for four years in the early 2000s and the denim was produced by the

Ketchup on hot dogs 4 lyfe!!

Ketchup on hot dogs 4 lyfe

I bow down. Nailed that sick burn!!

Gardenia is my all time most favorite song.

not the same thing as pocketing the difference, but i use when i order stuff online for work (and when I order for personal too of course). love ebates

not the same thing as pocketing the difference, but i use when i order stuff online for work (and when I

That's all I'm trying to do, my part in decimating a man for not looking like a ken doll! :)

True true true. OK duly noted, Brad Pitt isn't exactly like the ugliest specimen on earth. Or even close to it. I do feel like, however, I have seen more than a few pictures of him looking kind of scrubby. But mostly, I just want Jen's arms.

You're reading way too far into a pretty sarcastic and shallow comment that had much more to do with her incredible arms than anything to do with Brad Pitt. Point taken that he can clean up for a red carpet, though.

If I was her I would use my amazing arms to hold up a pic of the very poorly aging Brad Pitt and be like "'nuff said, k? Next question please!" Seriously those biceps though.

Thank you! I'd rather watch a show about organization than just about any show on TV. And I am a BIG.FAN. of some of the current programming. Just saying, I LOVE me some organization tips and tricks!

I invite you to join me at my gym if you're in Chicago. We have AMAZING group fitness instructors. They have a cult-like following and you have to sign up for class an hour before they start because they fill up. I will get up at 5am to sign up an hour early for my favorite spin instructor's 7am class because he is SO


Oh DUH of course!! It was the abortion he would need so he is the exception. My bad I can hardly keep up with the hypocrisy, clearly!

he's definitely a sperm you wished found its demise in a tissue.

Technically it is illegal to lie in a notarized document. Technically though, this guy is an ass face. So they equal each other out.

Please be a resident of another state so IF you were to get pregnant (which I wouldn't wish on anyone! I'm 10000% pro-choice, I'd just rather not wish that situation on anyone) you could have an abortion without his ridiculous law (not that it would ever pass) and be like BOOYAH BITCH NOW WHAT

not the whole fuck, lest you wind up pregnant.