
Ahhh! Thanks!

what pissing contest? Did I miss something? I think I did and I must know what it was!

There are other ways to sort of fake it as well. Photoshop elements is pretty inexpensive and the tilt shift can be done in there from images you take on your P&S. Look through your manual and see how much you are in control of, you might be surprised! Give the tilt shift a whirl on instagram (or photoseed, another

conversely you can get a DSLR and learn how to use it. I've had mine for 15 months Nd have just really figured it out (with some great online classes!) that's a big investment though!

you can use the blur tool in your instagram edit mode (the tilt shift, radial function) to get a faux shallow depth of field

all you need to do to account for that is recognize your luck and move on, bragger!! ;)

They forgot the footnote that 37% of participants have been in medically induced comas for the last 12-18 months prior to answering.

My eyes are rolling so hard they may be permanently stuck facing behind me.

thanks for enlightening me! Of course Dionne wasn't a ho ;) I suppose I never really thought about it that way (no duh). Were there any other points in the movie that discussed ambular's hoing ways? Maybe that's why I never put two and two together. But just the same I love this dignified conversation we have just

Is that you, honey? No? Oh, then I have a soul sister out there married to you!

I'm sorry to come back to this. I am so confused. I mean besides that one comment, how else do we know Amber was a bit of a chicken head? I was young when that movie came out but have since watched it at least a bazillion times, and short of the "balls flying at your face" comment...I'm at a total loss! Please

clueless IS very serious ;) I always got it as joke a joke between semi-friends. Never occurred to me that it was mean mean. Just like giving someone a little shit mean.

I guess it never struck me as slut shaming seeing as dee's virginity was only a technicality so she has balls in her face too. Guess I am a ho!

I'm all for some good joking, but how is saying there goes your social life in response to amber's "My plastic surgeon doesn't want me doing any activities where balls fly at my nose" slut shaming?

I might print this out and put it above my desk, you know, for those rough days ;)

Packing for vacay, for me, is completely different than packing say, the back of a truck, or moving boxes. Mostly because I can get a TON OF SHIT into a suitcase and then it weighs 75# and the guy at the United counter looks at me like I have a potato growing out of the side of my face. far as packing with

I am definitely that friend. I LOVE a good packing challenge!

also a good rule for facebook statuses. I read posts from others and think "surely you would never say that to me" because it is just so asinine. My favorite goes something like this:

Took me a few reads to understand why you were referring to her breasts as dangerous. Then I laughed so hard.

well it helped that I didn't know I was pregnant until 10 weeks and had been triathlon training for 6 weeks prior to actually getting pregnant (on the pill so when I missed a period I honestly thought it was from exercising) so when I felt crappy I blamed it on anything but the obvious ;) so by the time I actually