Well then i wish nothing but the best of luck to you!!
Well then i wish nothing but the best of luck to you!!
I still maintain that for everything that they say was linked to listeria was linked to one bad batch on a commune somewhere that doesn't have running water, and rather than just say "buy organic, wash your veggies, don't eat spinach when it is so old it is in a semi-liquid form" they just say "don't eat it or you may…
OK phew. So many still preggos on this thread I was afraid to talk about how much it actually sucks, because I HATED when people did that to me! BUT OMG IT SUCKED. I HAAAAAATED being pregnant, and I will never ever never do it again. Nope nope nope.
spinach?! oh good lord, now I've heard it all.
I think statistically you're probably right. I ran 3 miles 3x a week, did body pump 2x a week, and swam 2x a week up to the week before I gave birth and my labor was a total nightmare. But it was because of the baby more than me-she apparently started to flip her shit when it was her time to bless us with her presence…
I had my baby in August, but i very vividly remember this list. I'd also like to add:
Your house your rules!! I'm so jealous-I want to watch!
She is such the conductor of the hot mess express. All aboard!!
sadly now I am on my phone and way too lazy to find the perfect gif to top Kaplan's absolute perfection in this movie.
(I know it is out of order but it makes sense for the new story we can tell using only bachelorette gifs)
I'll leave you with this.
Eeek! And here I feel guilty telling my 8 month old she can't use the kitchen shelving as ladder rungs to learn to climb on. I don't even swat at her or anything, just a firm "NO!" that 9 times out of 10 makes her look at me like I just cut her left foot off. I couldn't imagine smacking her to keep her on a blanket.
Think of us little people when you hit it big, and try to get one of your lines at the party to be "mmm! I love this pink drink!" And I will know you have made it big and are talking to me ;) hahaha
How do you have any idea what kind of wealth she could have amassed on her own without having given up those opportunities to be with him, raise his family, be his wife (unquestionably something that is a required accessory for this social set)?
I'd put my theoretical 400+ billion on the fact that he has sex with basically anyone he wants, and he likely has no desire to have sex with her or receive "sex payments" from her.
There's a difference between working one's ass off to support a family so that the wife can stay home and "bake cookies" (or raise children) and making fuck tons of dough to have made fuck tons of dough. If they were arguing over $50k of a $100k net worth it may be a bit easier to say the husband busted ass so the…
I realize that this comment shouldn't necessarily go directly to you, there are many people that I should copy/paste to, so please don't take it as an attack directly at you.
No problem! There are SO many ass holes on this website who, when confronted with a dissenting opinion, pull out their fanciest leather bound thesaurus and use big words in order to sound superior...it's so annoying :) So (especially when it is a topic that isn't burning holes in my heart) I try to be very open minded…
I try not to be too much of a bitch 'round these parts because damn this is a scary place sometimes :) hope you have a lovely west coast day!