
I'll send you cookies! That will give me a VERY good excuse to buy some!

Sorry, I may have messed up the kinja response system. I intended to reply to "jmwhodukes" I guess I'm grey for a reason ;)

totally unrelated but are you a JMU grad too?!

Umm...I'm having last night's d'agostino's for breakfast over here in wicker that bad?

I like you bfishy-you think about things. And I'm totally on board with you about everyone likes their different flavors. As long as everyone is an adult and happy and giving consent and safe (monogamy, polygamy, polyamory, staying single, whatever!) to each their own.

Amongst my sarcasm is a bit of a question I guess...would women actually want multiple husbands? I do agree that the Mormon type of polygamy discussed in this article and in general is extremely anti-woman, so disregarding that (if possible, or perhaps better to say they are two different conversations) it would be

As much as I love him, my one husband is plenty for me to manage. I can't imagine having another man in my life to take care of (which is not to say my husband is the neediest just pointing out husbands can be a handful!)

Thanks! Every day I feel a little bit better/like my old self. she definitely does think I'm the cat's pajamas that's for certain :)

I commented to you in another thread but I want to make sure we get in touch. I swear I have been exactly where you were. I had to be induced after failing to go into labor naturally, my water never broke, my uterus never dilated, my pelvis never opened up, and after 26 hours of drugs and pain killers I had to have an

Exclusively pumping for 15 weeks, And loooove the medela easy expressions hands free corset thing. I pump 20 minutes 7-8x a day and without that piece of cotton my life would really be miserable. Strongly suggest picking one up!!

I'm so sorry you are feeling like such a failure. It feels so shitty to feel like you can't manage to do something that comes so easily to what feels like everyone else. I'm 15 weeks PP now and have been exclusively pumping the entire time. The first three or so weeks were days of constant tears over not getting my

I forgot to mention:

Thank you for this! Floral designer here, totally different combo of annoyance factors that plague me, but the sentiment is the same. It costs more because the preparation is different/much more involved. Keep up the good work!!

I have a lot of points I want to make about this article, and the multiple "the WIC is BAD BAD BAD and YOU SHOULD HATE IT" articles that Jez continues to post. I am pretty sure my comments are still in grey, and I am going to put up some points that most readers are going to think are bullshit, so I'm only partially

If you do a half IM or something like that you will be my hero. Face your swimming fears and go for it! Even if you come in dead last, it's like my favorite saying "you beat everyone on the sofa"! :)

It has been so hard to find a doctor who doesn't think s/he should cancel out every good report because of one 'bad number' (in my case everything is good, great even, besides my weight). I'm sorry your cholesterol is skewing high. Keep doing what you're doing, and hopefully it levels out. I don't have any magic

Thank you!! In 2012 when I did the Chicago Triathlon I was really impressed (is that the right word, I don't know) by the incredible variety of types of people I was competing with. Tall, short, skinny, fat, fast, slow...and seeing that type of playing field where all types come to just made my heart so

Thank you! I strive to be a badass and to eschew whatever the haters have to say. I am excited to be healthy and active, and I hope to pass that onto my daughter too. I have visions of mom/daughter triathlons and 5ks. Or, if that's not her jam, then mother/daughter whatever is her jam.

a Tom Hiddleston blowing kisses gif just for me? Let the world know I'm calling it a day, for nothing can top this!