
I appreciate my health so much more when I read things like this (which I hope does not come across as crass, because I certainly do not intend to be so). I may never be a size 2 but I can (and do!) do things that many people never will be able to. I'll keep on with my bad self and I hope you do as well!

Thank you CurieCat! It's amazing how just being told "you go!" by someone means these days, and I appreciate it!!

And here I am, a 12-14 on a good day. Saturday I went on a high intensity 15 mile bike ride and then took my three month old on a two mile walk (which I only bring up the baby part because I have a baby, I don't look like 'fit mom' and it makes me feel like shit constantly).

Totes agree. But how do the men learn the ropes? It's not like my husband could wake up tomorrow and say "I want to be a successful chef" and actually have it happen, since he is incapable of making Kraft Mac & Cheese properly...he'd have to learn at some point. Does that make sense? Why is it OK for them to do "the

effie is killing it

This was my exact thought when reading this. I have very little to add except that id be knterested in knowing as what point the dynamics change.

Where are these mysterious decent paying part time jobs? I cannot find one that pays worth a damn, certainly not enough to pay for a babysitter...but man being a SAHM is driving me crazy and my full time job pays even less. Poor career planning FTW!

I've never heard it referred to as the wet chores but it's so spot on. Anything that involves a liquid is my worst nightmare but tidying up and sweeping? I can nail that shit day in and day out.

I have been so impressed by my husband's hands-on nature that has really been apparent since having a baby and have spent hours trying to figure out how he's so wonderful (humble brag, I apologize...) then realized I am pretty sure it's because his mom passed away when he was quite young and jus dad didn't Re-marry so

I saw blackfish and somehow totally missed this alternative release option! It must have been shown sometime between my tears and my hatred for the monsters that put these gorgeous animals into those cages. Well then I am 100% for that, as long as it is safe and successful and they can find some semblance of happiness

I'm all about ending the captivity program but the thought of releasing animals who have never spent a single day in the wild and have no social pod to return to makes me so so sad for them. It's like what's worse-finishing off their life in their concrete prison or an almost certain death in the wild? I wish we could

My very conservative pro-life mother was CONVINCED I would become pro-life as well when I told her I was pregnant back in January. If anything the 7.5 months of knowing I was pregnant (surprise baby!) made me, like you said, so much more pro-choice than ever! Every step of the way during my pregnancy and long and

Dedicating yourself to pumping, as others have mentioned in reply to you, is of course not as efficient as breastfeeding, but women are able to maintain plenty of a supply through pumping and not have to supplement with formula at all. It may not be the norm, but so what? Isn't that the entire point of parenting,

Keep it up! I'm six weeks in and so exhausted but I keep on going. Not many people know about the EPers of the world, but I think you're amazing and I hope I can go as long as you!

I have to disagree with your point about pumping. There is a contingency of very dedicated mothers who for whatever reason are unable to breastfeed, and exclusively pump and bottle feed expressed breastmilk for a year or more because they want to provide as many benefits of breastfeeding to their child even if the

Donate to a school for art class!

I am so jealous. I was waiting with baited breath to give birth so I could have a cocktail and some sushi. And then I proceeded to feel like hell for days upon days, and the thought of a cocktail made me feel even worse. Luckily, that passed, and within the span of two days I hit my favorite margarita joint, my

I hope you know this feeling is totally normal (well in as much as I felt the same way!) When I saw the first ultrasound I was like hmmm...well that's interesting. Let's see what it looks like in a few months when it makes its appearance. The ultrasound tech (or whatever they are called) was definitely looking for

I think the point trying to be made is that for some reason being pregnant means you are basically a walking target. If I don't work out someone is upset that I'm not staying healthy. If I do workout someone is upset that I'm over-exerting myself. If I cut out the soda someone calls me paranoid, if I drink the soda a