Cheers Pink Ears!

When I first became of aware of Crisp Rat, it was the first GOTG movie (I never watched Parks & Recreation so at me). At first I though how fun he was and how goofy.

With all that said, I hope Anna sees all this and doesn’t comment on it at all, it makes it a tacit agreement, even if he didn’t mean the dig at his son (which I definitely think so because why would he put healthy daughter) the rest of the post is just cringe and it's simply treating his current wife as a treasure,

Agreed!! He’s trying to be funny and missed the mark by a mile. But it gives us a peek into his outlook on life and relationships and fucking YIKES. I mean how dated to joke that all you’re good for is opening a jar and also you might forget your wife’s birthday so she can just look back and read a dumb post on social

I saw some commenters on tik tok ripping him apart for trying to be Ryan Reynolds with this kind of humor about his wife and just falling so flat. Ryan and Blake have an actual fun/jokey relationship - this creeps me out.

Personally, I think its intentional. He’s a massive piece of shit and I believe 100%, he would say something like this on purpose. Allegedly, he wants ton of children, as all toxic Christians do, is being groomed for a political career, and again allegedly, left Anna after she had miscarriage. 

This right here.

Chris Pratt is giving me major I’m-in-a-cult-vibe just like Tom Cruise and his Scientology crap. This whole post seems so weird? I get an appreciation post for the wife. That’s always nice but is it an appreciation post for her really? And why mention that you met in church? Weirdsville. 

Here’s the thing. I don’t think Chris Pratt meant to intentionally imply that his daughter is somehow better than his son because of her relative health status. But the fact that he didn’t think at all about how that might impact his son or his son’s mom? And his kids apparently come after a baseball card? Again,

Anna is a living SUNBEAM, and an American Treasure. Chris Pratt must be stopped before he ruins everything that Millennials love and Gen Z already derides.

Yick, it does have that vibe. Plus the church bits.

“I love how much my wife loves me.”

Lmao, the same way my daughter’s dog just looked at me when I had a frozen bone in my hand!!

Strictly from a psychological presentation point of view, that ‘gaze’ is something that people are trained to do when you want people in a room to pay attention to what someone else is saying. In business, if you have a partner, you should always do this when they’re talking so other people will pay attention. In

Well, it’s not just the “healthy” part but he goes on to say she’s “his greatest treasure” with a baseball card coming in at a close second. That’s just sad.

Just listened to the behind the bastards podcast about the duggers. They are fucking vile vile cultists

From an InTouch article about The Duggars:

Pratt Wife 2.0 looks at Chris the same way my sister’s dog looks at me when I have Beggin Strips in my hand.

I believe it and Kris is gross.

Rumor has it that Kris had her reshoot her sex tape that made Kim famous in the first place.

I’m pretty sure nothing Kim does is done without checking on what it will do to her Q-rating.