Cheers Pink Ears!

He is very stupid.

It’s a start, plus if he has to testify, he will surely perjure himself.

It’s going to be interesting to see how this shakes out, for several reasons unrelated to his deranged base.

Campaign finance fraud is a nice appetizer. I’m waiting for the main course of treasonous insurrection with official secrets act violations for dessert.

My preference would be for him to be locked up in solitary confinement until his court date, or at least, no social media because the lack of attention would kill him.

She is a very disturbed woman. I was unfortunate enough to be aware of what she was posting when the whole plaster cast blew up. She also sent DM’s to various women participating in the discussion, asking them to send her pictures of their genitals and asked them to pose it in a particular way so she could point out

Just another reason to put it in your will to be cremated immediately

Feels like this is the kind of thing that gets you as a doctor professionally investigated and ordered to attend some extremely official hearings.

And he had to purchase the body because her institution denied her access to some cadavers after inappropriate behavior on her part. She claims the behavior was just entering a room she didn’t have permission to, but knowing her, I’m guessing there’s a little more to that.

The corpse part is particularly offensive and revolting, because apparently her father, who is a doctor, purchased it for her to inspect.

Eh don’t get your hopes up.

I saw something today, and I apologize for not remembering the source, but his answer to the question, “why do people instantly hate Ted Cruz?” was “it saves time.”

Especially Kentucky Fried Count Dooku there.

Much like Larry the Cable Guy, Kid Rock also came from wealth. Kid Rock’s dad owned a bunch of car dealerships in Michigan. He lived in a 5,628-square-foot house on a 6-acre property that had horses.

No one does elite entitlement quite like a GOP populist.

Karen Cruz

Back in the 90s there was a bar in Detroit called Alvin’s. One night a week Alvin’s would host a hip hop open mic. Kid Rock comes strolling in during one of these events and instantly assumed that everyone there would be over the moon to see him on stage so he brazenly walked up and grabbed the mic out of someone’s

I think that’s either John Bolton, Dog the Bounty Hunter, or else Wilford Brimley’s asshole son (his “Chet Haze” if you will). 

What’s up with the walrus in the yellow tie?

I mean, I think it was in Leviticus where God said he was totally okay with the butt sex so long as it wasn’t gay, right?