Cheers Pink Ears!

That’s certainly true (and truly, nothing guarantees cancellations, much less permanent cancellation.) 2Pac went to prison as well (for sexual assault no less,) and today he’s discussed with reverence. That said, the times are changing, and I think going to jail for rape—or similar charges—tends to have a more

Even incarceration doesn’t guarantee a cancelling. I was in middle school when Mike Tyson was convicted of rape. I lost count of the number of middle school boys wearing that “I’ll Be Back” tee shirt with Tyson’s face on it when he went to prison.

Thank you for saying this. There is this idea that the US is highly litigious and that we’re all taken advantage of the legal system. It’s predominantly a narrative propped up by corporations in order to discourage lawsuits. I understand why other countries repeat it. They really don’t understand that a suit might be

Re: The delay in filing - Having had injuries that seemed like they would be not a huge thing at the time and that ended up affecting me for the rest of my life, this makes sense to me. Often times the full, long term impact of an injury doesn’t become apparent until months or even years later. 

$850,000 seems like a slightly alleged high price point for a dog attack that occurred four years ago and yet wasn’t important enough to file a lawsuit over until now

That’s exactly the behavior I’d expect from a dog “trained” using Milan’s methods. It learned to fear punishment and humiliation from Milan specifically, so it acted docile when he was present. When when he wasn’t, whatever bad behaviors existed before “training” immediately resurfaced.

Spot on. Actual permanent cancellation is maybe sort of a thing (how long do you wait before declaring something permanent?), but to the extent it’s real, it’s rare as all get out (unless the person gets incarcerated.)

I bring this up to conservatives I’m unfortunate enough to know. They play dumb about if.

Her mom was employed by Milan, so that may have been why she held off on the lawsuit. If the statute of limitations is about to run out, she would have to file if she wanted anything.

This is why I hate monarchies. Have we not learned from that?

No one is more dangerous than someone who truly believes they were chosen by god to do something. 

Maybe that was a just a little joke by Grimes, but I’m getting Miley Cyrus’ “I’m a lesbian now!” bullshit vibes.

I had the misfortune of seeing her live (she opened for someone else). Every “song” was just a series of unintelligible high-pitched noises and she made sure to point out how important the backup dancers were to her performance.

Fear of being boring.

I want to say they both suck, but I just feel bad for Grimes. Always hiding under a character and comes off as afraid of being seen as old and uncool with a kid so she says more outrageous edgy stuff like “my kid doesn’t call me mom!”

Anyone who thinks Elon Musk would make an ideal romantic partner doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.

Whatever it takes to get them both off of Earth, I’m good to support.

May 4????!!!!

Out of the 4 main categories of mask/no mask wearers, he would fall under the “doesn’t understand the science”. The other 3 being “doesn’t believe in science”(not wearing a mask), “believes in science”(wears mask around nose/mouth), and “believes in magic” (mask around the chin).

I was just saying to my husband "bet he's not even vaccinated" when this photo loaded. He might be, but he still doesn't know how to wear a mask this far into a pandemic.