Cheers Pink Ears!

I have such a soft spot for Hoskins that I always forget he was in SMB.

I just did a Google of Bob Hoskins. I forgot how many of my favorite movies from childhood that he was in. (Mario Bros was not one of them.)

What about...

Serious question. Is that because these actions are how things are really run? You know, in the wink-wink, nudge-nudge sort of way.

Charles has spent the bulk of his 70+ years convincing the world he doesn’t know anything so I believe it here. That entire family isn’t known for being intelligent so I’m not surprised he repeatedly makes poor choices. I suspect that’s a major drawback of constantly being told you’re the next heir to the throne:

I’m British, live in Britain, and could not give less of a shit about this. Surprised to see it on a U.S. site...

Ah, I see, what she’s concerned about is that *gasp* doctors might have to provide life saving medical care. The horror. 

I agree, people who don’t want to shouldn’t be forced to perform abortions on people. There are a ton of jobs out there available that don’t require you to perform abortions, most of them in fact.

You can take the example of Savita Halappanavar in Ireland as to how this could go (read at your own risk).*

It’s a straw man, and it’s always been a straw man. What woman would want a doctor giving her an abortion against their will? No court is going to order such thing anyway because it would likely violate the RFRA, and this bill doesn’t touch that.

Republican’s dont concern themselves with the text of bills.

And I'm sure every pro-choice person who voted for her still won't care.

To be clear, Collins is concerned that doctors who have particular religious beliefs will be forced to perform abortions against their personal convictions

Collins couldn’t give a fuck either way. Her loyalty is to herself and to a further extent, her donors. That’s it. She Does. Not. Care.

Usually the “the government will bail me out!” economic theory.

Even pre-covid, I would commonly witness fast food and dollar story locations go out of business because they could not get enough people to work. I am not sure what economic theory posits that it is better to go out of business than pay what it takes to get workers to show up, but a lot of companies operate that way.

“met at a mall in Albuquerque” is code for sketchy.

No please...let’s have Andrew do a full-on publicity campaign. I’ll make the popcorn.

I’ve also heard that Fergie and Andrew might get remarried.