
Really dumb comment

I actually thought that part was pretty clear.

Yeah right ;)

Yeah but if you crash when you’re drunk you barely feel it and are more likely to survive as well. Also, it would be a blast to get hammered and zip around those tracks just horsing around with some buddies and tossing peanuts everywhere.

Maybe he did. Right after he was done smoking a bunch of crack rocks.

It’s actually not possible. You can love dogs and not want see cats be made extinct in very short order by cunning dog lovers but that doesn’t mean you love cats it just means you don’t like deletion or eradication or whatever.

I guess I just can’t shed a tear for a guy who injures other people and then gets injured. For example, he really beat up his kid pretty badly and now he has a broken knee. Fair? To me yes.

Disagree. The NFL is the victim of a political witch hunt. Hopefully once Hillary wins that will change but who the hell knows anymore.

I honestly think he just gets a bad wrap like most NFL stars. Political Correct witch hunt... kind of annoying.

Throw the book at this guy! What a slimeball.

American-Style Suburban English Language

Well yeah but anytime you’re racing the thing you’re in becomes some type of race car right? Just saying that this would be a lot of fun if there was like a track-side bar where you could drink beers and shoot down whiskey and hoot and holler at the go cart drivers. Get rowdy you know? Throw peanuts on the tracks

Who is Magary? QB coach? Also this is what AP deserves all things considered. Considering that he beat his 3 year old with an aluminum bat. And cheated on his wife as well.


It’s so funny to me that there is this huge divide between cat people and dog people. I’ve had dogs my whole life and they teach you so much growing up. Teach you to be social, nice, thankful, loving, fun, respect, exercise, smarts, activities, bravery, and outgoing... basically everything cat people aren’t.

Wrong! Butterfly was her best album.

Even at full strength the Indians would have no chance against the Sox so these takes aren’t even very hot.

I’m wearing hairy pants right now and by that I mean that I have collected hair trimmings from all my human prisoners and glued those trimmings to my legs and my torso as well and I’ve actually been eating the hair trimmings too. Just kidding!

Years ago I was on a fubol team called The Purple People Eaters. Maybe we weren’t the best team. Maybe we looked forward to the mid game snack more than the actual competition. Maybe we didn’t make the playoffs all that often. But you know something? We had fun. And that’s what sports is about.

Hamilton Nolan is almost always wrong but this time he’s right, ok?