This is by far the best show I’ve ever seen. Like a cross between iRobot and Seven [starring you guessed it - Brad Pitt].
This is by far the best show I’ve ever seen. Like a cross between iRobot and Seven [starring you guessed it - Brad Pitt].
God I can barely even understand the headline. Guess it’s time for my afternoon coffee then! Finally some good news in this election cycle right?
I’m ok with this honestly. I’m not a fan of kneeling for the anthem even though I am a member of Black Lives Matters and support the protestors in Charlottesville and everywhere else. Honestly though I didn’t even know that this was a team and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Anyways, it’s way past time to get rid of…
Guess you like the goddamn kool-aid. What are you talking about?
I doubt they are guilty. Just because Trump is winning in the polls doesn’t mean that his conspiracy theories are true.
That’s the exact same thing they tried to say about Bill Clinton when they were framing him for rape. That woman was lying though.
Literally crying. Don’t know if I should hug you or or tell you to stop hurting me.
Canada sucks too though, that’s why all their best players play for the NHL not whatever hockey league they have. Same with CFL versus the NFL. Sensing a trend here...
Hillary would def turn the tables on him with her razor sharp wit. She would fall down and pretend to have a seizure then stand right up and say “Damn straight I’m a woman.”
I only met 2 Trump supporters. One was a Nazi and the other was a KKK member and the other was both!
Sorry but Angie’s head looks like an alien’s face. I know we aren’t supposed to talk about looks anymore, or fat people, but her head looks... Listen, I used to skateboard and my first skateboard was Alien Workshop and that’s just what she looks like ok?
Why does it matter that he was born in Delhi??? He’s British!!!
Assistant coach? I would only take a job in the front office. That’s where my skills would actually do some good.
You Bears fans are the worst fans in football.
Brad Pitt is actually a really great guy. His only mistake was giving up Jenn for Ms. Skeleton Fake Do-Gooder Angelina Jolie.
I. Won. My. Fantasy. League. Last. Year.
Curtis Enis
Actually, I won my fantasy league last year.
The bears will probably finish something like 11-5 and just barely miss the Wild Card. I don’t know what team you were watching last night, but Cutler looked really good [outside that pick] and both lines were damn sturdy. I don’t know, not really a Bears fan but the way they have relied on no-name receivers reminds…
Yeah but if you crash when you’re drunk you barely feel it and are more likely to survive as well. Also, it would be a blast to get hammered and zip around those tracks just horsing around with some buddies and tossing peanuts everywhere.