
The menu looks delicious except for the egg and mom thing.

Pretty weird message here but ok...

What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon. Sitting out there on the go cart track just racing whoever happens to be renting the other go carts at that time. I bet you would have balls of steel after a few stiff drinks. I would love to do that. Get all sloppy and hop in a go cart for some racing. You know, I bet


No doubt. I actually heard that the people who did it are Trump supporters trying to get people to vote for him.

*Faux Schnoooooze

Only losers fight imo so I disagree

Use to have the biggest crush on her

Just saying that would be a cool experience imo. Maybe not for like forever but a couple months. Just seems like fun I don’t know.

Been to a bunch of rest areas but I don’t know if those are technically truck stops. I think you’re talking about the weigh-in stations?

Jesus. Goes to show right?

You would notice the breasts I think, or lipstick? Wait what the hell are you even suggesting here?

I would love to be transgendered but I’m not.

I’ve been using men’s bathrooms for what now, three decades or more? And I’ve never seen transgendereds in there. Honestly I think this is a bunch a political hooplah just designed to boost cable news ratings. Hey, I guess you’re welcome Fox News, right?

Tannehill actually didn’t play too bad after Jimmy G came out due to that shoulder injury but yeah, not a huge fan of theirs.

Well, I like to dance and I like craft beers so I guess I can’t say I’m not a blast?

Not a huge fan of international competitions like this. Brings out the nationalist xenophobia in too many people. Time to rethink.

No chance. Garpy is done in New England. One week is way too optimistic. If you saw the injury live like I did you would know how bad it was. Definitely a broken collar bone. These early reports are notoriously unreliable.

Ha. If you pick up Tebow you’re crazy. He’s in the MLB now.