Pink Zapper Helmet

It's just good business. But what supposed to happen once Stormborn wraps things up. If we going to follow through with this, we need some sort of plan.

I have no issues with furry at all.

Oh yeah, The Nausicaa manga! I just recently got one of those. It's great.

It's funny, games like to get introspective and meta all the time, but only about other games. RetroWorld is a game about actually being a kid who plays games, and it looks just wonderful.

Interesting, but not very informative.

It's got a nice color palette, doesn't it? And it's all painted in. That must take a lot of patience. And while we're on topic, are there any other manga that are known to do that?

That'll give us something to distract ourselves with while we wait to see if he ever comes back around. I think the best part of this is that he gets to draw all of the pictures himself. And you know what? If his manga turns out to be as big a masterpiece as his anime, I just might be able to come to grips with his

Five words. Monster Hunter on PS Vita. Problem solved.

Thank you. I appreciate your appreciation. :)

Ha. I guess that works.

Outsold for the PSP? Wow. That's like the Wii being beaten by the GameCube. Nutty, that is.

As with any study, there are caveats. This isn't a be-all, end-all set of findings. The authors themselves say that "the study highlights the need for more detailed data to explore risks of various forms of screen time, including exposure to screen violence." Nevertheless, given the breadth of data drawn from 10 years

More like that's too inconvenient of a solution.

Fandom can be so scary sometimes.

You're the guy with the most recommendations? Seriously?

Don't worry about my last reply, I wasn't being sarcastic. You really are brilliant. It seems The Man Himself was too eager to believe someone had taken his side, hence his recommendation of my post.

Also, that quote is how I feel right now.

I think she kind of rediscovered games during the course of her work. She's probably more of a fan now than she was in that clip all that time ago, and that kind of speaks to how powerful games can be.

Hark! A comment thread that has not yet been soiled! Wonderful.