Pink Zapper Helmet

Oh make no mistake, EVERYONE knew what was going on, they shrugged it off because they had no reason to be afraid of blowback and the money kept flowing. None of this shit isn’t new, none of this surprises me. People are only speaking up now because the climate is changing, victims are speaking up, gathering evidence

Maki’s own apartment was dubbed “Production Women’s Dormitory”

Dave Arneson got Jack Kirby-ed.

Cool to see all the right wingers and concern trolls come out to criticize a game that's clearly not meant for them.

Yeah, just what gamers need to combat the stereotypes about them, an annoying fucking orbital advertisement.

Geat so now we also need to pollute several thousand miles of orbit space so pepsi can ruin my starview and assault my eyes with unwanted product placement. If they do this I hope they leave gaming culture out of it. I don't want my pastime associated with the same people who built the Pepsi constellation.

That’s it. This is the beginning of the end. All those cyberpunk dystopias are about to come true. You won’t be able to close your eyes without seeing an ad soon.

ScarJo is gonna so fucking good in this

You know why.

I made a comment like this before, but part of it (for some men) is that they don’t believe that there’s any other way. As one ex-hookup said, “well, if you don’t push girls, then you’d never get laid,” (I had been clear that this evening was not a hookup, I wasn’t feeling well, but we could hang as friends and he got

This is what happens when we teach boys that their masculinity is defined by how many women they score. They go through the motions with partners who are clearly uninterested (or worse) just to say they “got some.” They either don’t notice or don’t care how their partner feels because empathizing with other people’s

Yeah, that’s what frustrates me so much about the conversations about Ansari and Smith and other gray-area stuff like this: the discussions seem to center around whether what they did is sexual assault, rather than whether what they did is okay.

why would anyone ever want a sexual partner who “just goes along with it.” Why can’t men ever stop and think, “hey, the person I’m about to have sex with isn’t 1000% into this. That’s gonna make this weird and gross. I’m gonna back off now.”?

Why on *earth* would anyone want to have sex with another person who’s less

I Was about halfway through the game before I got distracted by Arkham Knight, so it’s good to have an incentive to go back to it.


Fun fact:

Wait just a doggone second. Wait. Just wait. If rape is off of the table, how are we going to let those women's know that they are filthy, dirty sluts who need to know what's what? How we 'sposed to lern them about the dangers of kitchen-leaving? How will they overcome if not propped up by the moral lesson of an

Wells was one of the progressive souls of that era who enthusiastically supported womens' freedom. Particularly their freedom to have sex with him.