
Agreed regarding the reason for the arrest. However, the totally absurd sentence is because she’s a high-visibility American. 

Fucking hate the Kardashians, but this article is hugely unfair.

This write up is wild. I get hating the Karjenners if that’s your thing, but you’re seriously criticizing them for speaking out against anti-Semitism? For real?

Cardi B herself acknowledges what a huge influence Madonna had on her.

Yesterday’s dirt bag - Billy Ray Groomed his Fiance that he Met When She was 18

Not my story, but my Mother’s (and my Aunts). I have permission to relay.

While sexually inept men is the more commonly known and visceral touchstone, the fact that women (and their bodies) have been treated as if they’re basically male (but hysterical) is perhaps scarier.

Given all the sexually inept men I slept with who thought jackhammering makes a woman orgasm, this assessment adds up. 

Don’t do drug kids. 😬

In another interview, Farmer said she herself was pro life. So I’m going to assume she put White and state reps like him in office. You reap what you sow. I’ll save my concern and empathy for others. 

Hopefully this horrible experience will open her eyes, and she will get involved to ensure others do not have to experience what she did.

The hijab is not a symbol of oppression. Being forced to wear (or not wear) a hijab against your wishes is actual oppression.

I think about this constantly. There are so many people who literally don’t realize rule under Christianity is jus as terrible as under any other religion or they know and they don’t care.

It’s not like we have a whole period of human history to look at how awful it was, and how awful it still is wherever religion and

As keeps getting repeated elsewhere: the cruelty is the point.
That and: if hundreds of thousands of pregnant women and children have to suffer and possibly die, it’s a small price to pay to re-establish some norms-that-benefitted-a-select-few that have been undermined for far too long.

Even though the competition is fierce, Jack Left Town has my vote for stupidest Kinja comment of the day. It’s not the most vicious (though it is quite cruel) nor the most racist (though it is stunningly bigoted). But in terms of being a proud moron with terminal Dunning-Kruger syndrome, this takes the cake.

There’s a big difference between being free to wear something because of your own religious beliefs and being forced to wear it by your government.

The human body is incredibly complicated. The pregnant one even more so. The universe of abnormal things that can happen is near-infinite. Which is why it makes sense for the default position of the law to be “you can terminate a pregnancy without government interference.”

Amazing how the people of Iran are fighting for freedom and we have a sizeable group of “people” here in the US that want to make it exactly like Iran.

I was going to say this, too. Operating under the assumption that he was a serial killer (and there are a lot of classic markings in this story that point to “yes”) his demeanor changed once he had you in his car because he...well, hates women...but then you didn’t just humanize yourself, you also painted yourself as