
THANK YOU! Yogurt is disgusting. DISGUSTING. I’d never eaten it before but had heard how it was supposed to be sooooo good for me, so I tried to learn to like it last year. I forced myself to try to eat a variety of different types, and even bought delicious, fancy granolas to mix in. It was awful and traumatic. NEVER

Lil Bub is a lady cat!

I’d be able to retrain myself, but just barely, and only if she pronounced it correctly. If she pronounced it “carm-el” before she threw it at me, instead of “ca-ra-mel,” I’d probably do something that would land me in prison. :(

Thank you for this! I don’t have a TV and regretted not being able to see the movie... now I feel that it’s not worth watching online later, since there’s no way it can compare to your narration.

Every now and then guys will ask me if these are my “real eyes.” I’m pretty sure they’re asking if they’re colored contacts, like you said, but I’ve gotten to the point where I always reply, “No, I carved them out of a dead hobo’s skull.” It’s just confusing and off-putting enough to make them leave me alone.

Yogurt nauseates me to the point where I can’t even watch this commercial. I just can’t even watch people eating it... just thinking about it makes me gag. I feel like I’m missing out on so much. ;__;

I lived in New England up until my teens, and I remember people going out and buying ALL the bread and milk whenever there was going to be a bad storm. It always confused me, since canned goods and other non-perishables would make more sense if the power went out; why buy up some of the most perishable things? Is that

Ugh. My father isn’t Mormon, he’s some Christian subgroup that promotes this kind of crap. He’s mentioned to both me and my brother before that we should be stockpiling rice or some shit like that. I’ve been tempted to tell him that my brother is a stupid fucker who would starve to death before he managed to boil a

Yep, and pretty much they are saying that they’re willing to let anyone else who isn’t prepared starve to death. It’s always something along the lines of making sure their family has enough... while this isn’t a bad thing, in itself, in the context of their religion it seems to me that it is just awful. Compassion for

Awww, I kind of like her “modern fairytale” idea. Now I want to see her art.

ORBITZ! I used to love that stuff. Although I remember always getting the peach flavor, and apparently they never made a peach flavor.

I used to work with a really sweet, very old lady who would occaisionally call me a “clever girl.” It made me feel like a velociraptor and I’d get all warm and sparkley on the inside whenever she did. None of my current coworkers ever make me feel like a velociraptor. :(

The Cat Dancer is AMAZING. I think I bought ours for even less than $2. Best cat toy EVER.

I know my opinions regarding performance art are at least partially based in ignorance, but most of it just strikes me as being overly self-indulgent and complacent. It just makes me feel tired and annoyed.

I love Komodo Dragons so much... it’s a good thing I don’t have access to any, I’d be getting bitten all the time. I just want to hug them and kiss them, even though I know that wouldn’t be good for anyone involved. :(

I personally have no problem with nudity, but find treating women like dogs to be off-putting. Regardless of what you or I find acceptable, the fact is that there are certain standards of “normal” behavior in society that people are expected to stay within. I think these two are assholes, and that businesses are

Bullshit, they were getting off on the reactions of other people around them. If you can’t see that, you’re being willfully ignorant.

There are plenty of things I enjoy that I realize wouldn’t be appropriate in many public spaces. And surely you can see how a mall might sell and advertise skimpy lingerie, but a person who was walking around the mall dressed only in skimpy lingerie might be asked to leave. In my opinion, recognizing and being

No, it isn’t totally exclusive, and I would never say it is. But there is an obviously sexual context to a man walking a woman around on a leash, and anyone who tries to claim otherwise is full of shit, in my opinion. There are certain forms of adult role playing and “make believe” that are obviously “adult”/sexual in

Well, there’s someone here saying she’s a friend of a friend and that she actually does have some sort of intellectual disability, so you might not be far off. :P