
What are you on about even? Raining on face is literally a term that means crying. My post says I cried. What an odd takeaway from my post. ETA: Seems you might be confused. When people go, “Oh it’s dusty in here!” or something that is distancing from crying. Raining on my face means I am crying. As in, lots of tears.

Well, it unexpectedly rained on my face. They clearly have so much friend love for each other and really meant something to one another. This is as mushy as a judge can get while doing her job and I’m glad she told him that what she remembers most is how nice he is. Seems like it really touched him and could be a

Flew ONCE on an Embrauer. Everyone had to check their carryons at the gate and the seat/tray area was so small I couldn't get my laptop out. Like literally could not reach under my seat to get my bag to get my laptop. I gave up and slept leaning as far from my seat mate as was physically possible, so like a centimeter.

I flew Air France before Delta got its filthy paws on it. I was served a lunch of baguette and camembert and fresh fruit and sparkling water, and a breakfast of croissant and a very yummy egg dish with fabulous coffee. Both meals were followed by a steamed towel which smelled of almonds. The FA fluffed my pillow.

Airline Does What Every Non Southwest Airline Has Done For Years, Internet Rages For A Day And Resumes Flying As Usual.

He's more of a Boy Band Dis-Member. Oh! *ba-dum-tish*

Look at him. Total angry bottom. Kind of guy that tries to twist your nipples off while you fuck him, then shoves you off and starts yelling as soon as he cums. Hate those guys.

Juli Luke’s statement should have read

via Google news, I landed on an opinion piece on USA today (I clicked the wrong link, I was crying so happily) that was like, “no, don’t worry, straight-marriage will win out, it’s not going away.” like now straight marriage is banned or something.

Oh, come on, this is OBVIOUSLY The Watcher.

I mean... if I knew someone was freaking out over a nonexistent vagina on a teddy bear cake, I might tease Mrs. Overreaction too. But then, I’m not the kind of person you probably want at a child’s christening in the first place.


Pretty horrified that any adult woman raising a baby girl thinks vaginas make something “dirty.” Did she try to get her money back from her husband too?

My twin babies!

I hear what you’re saying, but the fact that these women were all known drug users and prostitutes is a common link that could mean that they were targeted by the same person. Wouldn’t be the first time that a serial killer zeroed in on sex workers.

one of them was shot in the head and others were found in places that even the most drugged out of people wouldn’t end up in unless they were dropped there or forced (in a drainage pipe, for one...). You have a predator on the loose. Possibly several. Maybe they only target ‘easy’ victims that will take risks to get a

You feeling safe does not foreclose upon the idea that their is a serial killer targeting these women. I'm glad you don't have an issue with drugs but these women being addicts doesn't make them any less human and deserve to be treated as such unlike how you choose to devalue their worth all in defense of your town

I’d contact his wife... She kind of deserves to know that he’s been cheating on her, at least emotionally, with this other woman. Just what the FUCK.

Oh, hell no. He doesn’t deserve happiness. You AIR THIS SHIT OUT to the wife’s family by any means necessary, as quickly as possible. Annulments are easier than divorces.